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Any Radio Hams use the forum?

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Hi Stevie,


I'm G0RNC (ex G1UQW).


Not terribly active these days due to other activities, but when I am on air it's usually VHF and HF QRP, with homebrew CW gear on HF and an FT290 on VHF.


Oddly enough I DON'T use digital modes! :)



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Hello Joe


I reactivated my licence during my stay in hospital last year. I sold all my HF/VHF/UHF Kenwood gear in 1999.....it helped pay a lot of the costs in moving and buying a house.


I was a big QRP CW fan, and still have my part homebrew part kit, QRP CW transceiver (along with my various keys) packed away in a box somewhere.


I now have a TH F7 duel-bander and can be heard waffling away on GB3US while walking the dog most days.


Once I’ve got my divorce out of the way, I’ll be taking a trip down to Lowes......

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Originally posted by m0cbt

Hi Steve sorry to hear about your up and coming divorce,I hope you got enough money left to go to Lowes to buy some new gear




73s Les


Hey Steve,


If all else fails get the soldering iron out and build it! :)


I had to flog my kit in the late 1990s after acquiring some debt, and went in to building and using eBay to get my station back together.


There are soem surprisingly good deals on eBay, but obviously caveat emptor!



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Originally posted by Hallambears

M0BDY - ... got my photo on HMS Belfast and in the Imperial War Museaum, as was youngest radio ham in the world when i passed full lisence (aged 12).


Hi Phil.


may'be catch you on 2mtrs and talk all things steelers hi


73s Les

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