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Performance Oppotunity


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I am currently moving to Sheffield so i'm quite new to the area.

I am a keen director, and went to the Edninburgh Fringe festival last year with a show...so.......

I am wondering if there are any amatuer dramatic socities who may need a director? I am just wanting to get more experience as i have been doing it for a few years and need to get back into it.Perhaps also there maybe some actors who want to perhaps get a chance at performing again? This could also be the start to a new theatre company..........potentially.......:|


Anyways any information would be appreciated!!

Let me know



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Hi Maria,


We're always keen to welcome new members, whether it be for acting, directing or otherwise. We perform three times a year inJanuary, June and October at the University Drama Studio theatre on Glossop Rd, S10 2TD.


Our next production is next week - you should come and see it and see what you think. We're performing Arthur Miller's The Crucible Wednesday-Saturday (27th-30th), curtain up at 7.30pm each night. Tickets cost £7 (£5 concessions) and can be purchased in advance by calling the box office on (0114) 201 0090, or by emailing tickets@thecompanysheffield.co.uk.


Please let me know if I can give you any more information, and we look forward to meeting you!



Publicity Officer

The Company

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