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BRADFIELD SCHOOL late 50's not sure actual date


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BRADFIELD SCHOOL late 50's not sure actual date


Never went to Bradfield school but like now schools had coaches to pick up and take the school kids home. My late father and my uncle use to do this job for my grandfather who had Whiteleys Coaches. There job was to pick up and deliver the school kids from Bradfield school from Dam Flask and the Strines area.


One Christmas in order we had heavy snow and in order that they could check the route to pick the kids up on the return to school after the Christmas break we went out in my grandfathers Vauxhall Cresta to do the ru over the weekend. everything was clear goimg out of Low Bradfield. As we went up the hill they use to go across an escarpment (which is now badley overgrown now and you wouldn't get a coach across) that was impassable because of the snow. So we went up to a junction and turned left at the top(road clear). About 100yds down the road we hit a snow drift which emersed the car. My father and uncle got out to try and get some help as they knew one of the school kids lived at the next farm down the road. Meanwhile I was in the white tomb being shoved sideways by the drift (about 8 yrs at the time very frightened. After what seemed an age the came back with the lad driving the tractor and pulled the car out of the drift and we went on our way. Needless to say they didn't pick the kids up for school that week.


A sad side to this story was that the lad commited suicide shortly after and I never knew his name. Would love to make contact with any of the school. kids they use to pick up

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