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The Sheffield Zeitgeist Movement

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Ok it seems David Irving is a holocaust deniar so I'm guessing you made a basic mistake in your story there. If you wish to expand your mind I'd probably point you in the direction of a BBC documentary maker called Adam Curtis, (it was through watching his documentaries that I first became interested in politics and hence became open to the ideas within Zeitgeist: Addendum) rather than watching anything by David Icke. The first documentary I would suggest is 'The Power of Nightmares' and I would also recommend 'The Trap' and 'Pandora's Box'. All are available online with a bit of searching and I'm sure you will more readily accept information from the good old Beeb.

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"so called 'conspiracy theory' regarding the 9/11 attacks"




???? you really know who were responsable PM me let me know your source if it was the main stream media then forget it because i was out with bin laden the other day and he assures me it was,nt his gang and i belive him:huh:

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I would also refer you to the Adam Curtis documentaries hockers666, they're very insightful with regard to the way we are manipulated through the use of fear tactics by the government. Her is an excerpt from Wikipaedia describing the series-


"The films compare the rise of the Neo-Conservative movement in the United States and the radical Islamist movement, making comparisons on their origins and claiming similarities between the two. More controversially, it argues that the threat of radical Islamism as a massive, sinister organised force of destruction, specifically in the form of al-Qaeda, is a myth perpetrated by politicians in many countries—and particularly American Neo-Conservatives—in an attempt to unite and inspire their people following the failure of earlier, more utopian ideologies.


The Power of Nightmares has been praised by film critics in both Britain and the United States. Its message and content have also been the subject of various critiques and criticisms from conservatives and progressives."


And hey presto- it's main stream media- enjoy!!

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Whilst 9/11 is covered in the movies it is a long long way from being a focal point like has been suggested, the movement itself looks at trying to publicize the Venus project and its resource based economy. Regardless of whether 9/11 was a inside job or it was truly an act by an outside entity the cause for the issue comes back to the west either way as the later was due to us pushing our values into other cultures. As previously mentioned Adam Curtis does a good job highlighting some of the issues which have occurred when forcing negative liberty into place e.g. corruption. Whats wrong with basing life of what we can get, what utility we need from items (rather than buying stuff for the sake of it) and true freedom which is expanded through the utilisation of technology?



You can watch it online here if you haven't seen the movie: http://www.thezeitgeistmovementuk.com/site/zeitgeist-addendum

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you are obviously just starting out ? i have been studying the masons , new world order for 30 +years not going to argue with you but anything ANYTHING on main stream media is censord heavily if it makes things look ridiculous then it don,t go on air , have you read dan browns books they are novels but quite a bit of the story is true ,good luck in finding what you are looking for

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As a group we aim to examine ideas for moving into a resource-based economy in which governments, money and large corporate interests are replaced by purely humanitarian and environmental concerns. QUOTE]


And when you make some money you will become one of the people you despise.


Been there, done that, bought the Porsche.

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The first documentary I would suggest is 'The Power of Nightmares' and I would also recommend 'The Trap' and 'Pandora's Box'. All are available online with a bit of searching and I'm sure you will more readily accept information from the good old Beeb.


Actually these are very important documentaries by Curtis, but they often get lumped on the "nutty conspiracy theory" pile because they actually confront matters that are not in the immediate public perception.


Also The Century of the Self is a fantastic documentary analysing the rise of public relations, propaganda and mind control techniques used in corporate PR (the "founding father" of PR, Edward Bernays, was a relative of Freud, and Curtis examines this relationship between PR and radical psychology).


In response to your opening post, Cavegirl, I was not aware of a specific movement, but I have read many books on monetary theory and banking systems. You may be interested in the following book, which examines the kind of ethical alternatives you mentioned, in the context of a post-capitalist society...




It's worth pointing out, and you probably already know this, but there are banks out there, such as the Co-operative Bank, who adhere to democratic, ethical charters. I believe many of the structures for real change are already in place - we just need to vote more consciously with our purchasing power.


I don't know why people started mentioning Icke and reptilians. More idiotic assumptions and mindless pigeon holing I suppose...

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My old house mate, actually believed in Reptoids. One day, we were sat in the living room (excluding said house mate), watching a programme on David Irving et al, mocking it actually saying people can't believe this stuff...


Said house mate walks in looks at the TV and with the straightest of faces says "That is David Irving, he's my hero!", our follow up questions were along the the lines of are you being serious, he was... deadly!


And after that he gave us little talks about the Reptoids and New World Order.


So... he then goes and get's the girl who works in the local shop pregnant. I should add she is a Lesbian, she looks like a skinny boy and she is a nutter, absolutely mad as hatter, for example she believes she was possessed by the devil, in my opinion she is more sane then him.


Around 6/7 months after they find out she is pregnant I run into her in the shop, started talking turns out my house mate the father, doesn't want the child when it is born to be immunized, as the NWO uses it as a form of control.


Yeh, Reptoids.


And what does this lovely little anecdote prove? That Cavegirl simply must be one of those "Lesbian, skinny boy nutters" (nice) who believes shape shifting reptilians rule the world because she mentioned something about concepts not covered in the mainstream media? Ever heard of gatekeeping?


Run along.

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And what does this lovely little anecdote prove? That Cavegirl simply must be one of those "Lesbian, skinny boy nutters" (nice) who believes shape shifting reptilians rule the world because she mentioned something about concepts not covered in the mainstream media? Ever heard of gatekeeping?


Run along.


Go Tiger...Go!

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  • 2 years later...

I am already a member of The Zeitgeist Movement but have never been to a meet up before, but would love to meet up in Sheffield and get some things rolling if you know what I mean and would gladly volunteer my time for any causes that will benefit human kind and the world around me.


Just let me know how I can get more involved and how I can make a difference please, thanks xx

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