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1.) How often do you buy a magazine?

C) More than once a week


2.) How much would you be prepared for a 50 page magazine/guide about Sheffield and the surrounding area?

C) £2-£2.99


3.) What kind of local topics would you be interested in?

E) Other: Outdoors walking, nature trails, natural history and history.


4.) How often would you prefer a magazine to be sold?

C.) Monthly


5.) If a magazine ran competitions, would you consider entering one?

A.) Yes



Some questions specifically about Sheffield.

6.) What is your favourite feature about Sheffield?


The people, cultural heritage and some of the natural beauty we have on our doorstep.


7.) If you didn’t already live there, what first attracted you to Sheffield?

Born and bred.

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Age……30's……. Gender……F………

1.) How often do you buy a magazine?

D) Once a month


2.) How much would you be prepared to pay for a 50 page magazine/guide about Sheffield and the surrounding area?

A) Less than £1 (there's already a free one about every six months, have you seen it?)


3.) What kind of local topics would you be interested in?

E) Other - all of the above, plus events, history, charity events, markets/fayres, special offers such as cheap travel tickets/away days, walking routes in the city (parks etc) with things to see/visit en-route, promotion of clubs/societies in local areas


4.) How often would you prefer a magazine to be sold?

D.) Other - bi-monthly


5.) If a magazine ran competitions, would you consider entering one?

A.) Yes - for something like free event tickets for example


Some questions specifically about Sheffield.

6.) What is your favourite feature about Sheffield? Location - city location with good travel links and lots of accessible countryside


7.) If you didn’t already live there, what first attracted you to Sheffield?

Originally came to Uni here



Good luck with the assignment :thumbsup:

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Age……37……. Gender……M………

1.) How often do you buy a magazine?

A) Never


2.) How much would you be prepared for a 50 page magazine/guide about Sheffield and the surrounding area?

D) £3-£3.99


3.) What kind of local topics would you be interested in?


E) Other - All of the above and more


4.) How often would you prefer a magazine to be sold?


C.) Monthly


5.) If a magazine ran competitions, would you consider entering one?

A.) Yes


Some questions specifically about Sheffield.

6.) What is your favourite feature about Sheffield? (e.g. the landmarks or the community)


Near the peak district


7.) If you didn’t already live there, what first attracted you to Sheffield?


Sheffield born and bred.....

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Hi, I'm a Year 10 Media Studies GCSE pupil and I wondered if you could help me. As part of my GCSE I must create a magazine/guide about a city. I have chosen to make my magazine on Sheffield, as part of my research I must make a questionnaire to be completed by at least 50 people, As many replies as possible would be a real help.

Here is the questionaire, you can just anwer with the letter. (e.g. 1-A)


Age……48……. Gender………Male……

1.) How often do you buy a magazine?

A) Never

B) Once a week

C) More than once a week

D) Once a month

E) Other …………….

2.) How much would you be prepared for a 50 page magazine/guide about Sheffield and the surrounding area?

A) Less than £1

B) £1-£1.99

C) £2-£2.99

D) £3-£3.99

E) Over £4

3.) What kind of local topics would you be interested in?

A) Music

B) Sport

C) Concerts/Shows

D) Film

E) Other ………………………..

4.) How often would you prefer a magazine to be sold?

A.) Weekly

B.) Fortnightly

C.) Monthly

D.) Other………………………….

5.) If a magazine ran competitions, would you consider entering one?

A.) Yes

B.) No

Some questions specifically about Sheffield.

6.) What is your favourite feature about Sheffield? (e.g. the landmarks or the community) Community



7.) If you didn’t already live there, what first attracted you to Sheffield?



Thank you for your time.


Hope this helps. Good Luck

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Age 48 Gender Female

1.) How often do you buy a magazine? Never

A) Never


2.) How much would you be prepared for a 50 page magazine/guide about Sheffield and the surrounding area?


C) £2-£2.99

E) Over £4

3.) What kind of local topics would you be interested in?

A) Music A



D) Film D

E) Other ……………………….. RESTAURANT REVIEWS

4.) How often would you prefer a magazine to be sold?



C.) Monthly C


5.) If a magazine ran competitions, would you consider entering one?

A.) Yes YES


Some questions specifically about Sheffield.

6.) What is your favourite feature about Sheffield? (e.g. the landmarks or the community)




7.) If you didn’t already live there, what first attracted you to Sheffield?



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