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Training and employment wanted

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help and information needed..............my 16 yr old son has just left school he didnt do his exams but did a basic college course through school in motor mechanics. he wants to be a plasterer but no college or courses i have looked in2 will set him on due 2 no qualifacations anybody got any advice or job oppurtunities for him please:help:

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i know how ur son is feeling im 17 and i cant find any of the training i want im trying to become a travel agent n the only training i can find is to go to college but the colleg i need to go to is in hillsborugoh miels from where i live so its a bit of a drag for me

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Originally posted by yelweb

help and information needed..............my 16 yr old son has just left school he didnt do his exams but did a basic college course through school in motor mechanics. he wants to be a plasterer but no college or courses i have looked in2 will set him on due 2 no qualifacations anybody got any advice or job oppurtunities for him please:help:



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There's an organisation called A4e that offers employment and training to unemployed people of all ages - and from all situations.


Whatever someone's barrier to finding employment, they will look for a solution to solve it. They're brilliant. I'm sure they'll be able to help your son.


They have offices all over the country but the head office is in Sheffield.


You should take a look at their website:




... or ask at the Jobcentre about them.


k8einsheff - you should speak to them too.


When you have your training they can put you out on work placements with companies who are looking for staff - so you have a much better chance of employment.


People like Strix should remember that not everyone is equipped to make life decisions at 16. It IS a ridiculous age to have to make major choices about your future. I went to uni, got a degree, have a successful career - but amunhappy in it and wish I'd made some different choices.


It is great that you are trying to guide your son. So many young people do not have that support.


I hope it works out for him.

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Hello yelweb,


Don't think I can be much help to you personally as I think that what I am going to tell you applies mostly to the long term unemployed and I assume you son doesn't yet come into that category.


Earlier this year Sheffield Council appointed 5 or 6 'preferred' building contractors to do the refurbishment of the Arbourthorne estate. Craftily the Council made sure that the contractors had to take on new employees as trainees. They arranged for them to take an initial 2 week training course covering their particular job, plasterers, joiners, tilers etc etc. Over 100 people have done the training and there is going to be another 100 coming up. (I can quote these figures so precisely because I have to keep track of their training.) Incidentally the courses have been very well received by the trainees who, without exception, found them very useful.


Now for the really good bit - at the end of the courses the trainees go out on site with their respective employers and if they wish can sign up to do NVQ level 2 in Construction work. They then get 'steered' through the NVQ by qualified Assessors andd if they stick with it should be able to complete it within 12-15 months. The beauty about this is that the NVQ is based on the work they do, they don't even have to be able to read and write (although it helps if they can!).


OK - advertising over. If anyone wants more details about this contact your local Jobcentre or Workbase office and tell them you want details of any vacancies under Construction Job Match. If you draw a blanl Sheffield City Council Employment Unit should be able to help.

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