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Sheffield Theatres - Seem very quiet !


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I have organised a night out for friends and family to see Stomp at the Lyceum in February. I initially bought 30 tickets and thought after those had gone then I wouldn't be able to get any more.


After more people asked if they could come I called to check availablility and had no problems getting another 20!


The lady at the box office advised that normally productions for Feb would be close to being sold out now but this year that wasn't the case.


I know that this is a tough time of year for all of us with Xmas bills to be paid and tax to be paid at the end of January for us self employed people but the question I would ask is


Have the Theatres done a good job in marketing upcoming events?? I am sure there used to be more advertising and posters around the city or is it just me? Obviously the recession is one factor and maybe Sheffield Theatres need to consider this in their pricing policies. (Stomp tickets were £19 each, which aint cheap but the production is brill)


It seems such a shame with The Crucible just having a makeover and all the theatres being lovely places to visit. Just wondered what anyone else thought.

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I have organised a night out for friends and family to see Stomp at the Lyceum in February. I initially bought 30 tickets and thought after those had gone then I wouldn't be able to get any more.


After more people asked if they could come I called to check availablility and had no problems getting another 20!


The lady at the box office advised that normally productions for Feb would be close to being sold out now but this year that wasn't the case.


I know that this is a tough time of year for all of us with Xmas bills to be paid and tax to be paid at the end of January for us self employed people but the question I would ask is


Have the Theatres done a good job in marketing upcoming events?? I am sure there used to be more advertising and posters around the city or is it just me? Obviously the recession is one factor and maybe Sheffield Theatres need to consider this in their pricing policies. (Stomp tickets were £19 each, which aint cheap but the production is brill)


It seems such a shame with The Crucible just having a makeover and all the theatres being lovely places to visit. Just wondered what anyone else thought.


I've always thought they did a fine job of marketing things, although admittedly I haven't been in Sheffield long enough to make any comparisons with the past. I always seem to have e-mails from the theatre in my inbox and have booked stuff based on posters I've seen around.


It is a shame though when a lot of the good stuff I have been to has empty seats (maybe all those who make a career of moaning about the City Centre should vote with their wallets and actually go to some of the events to show solidarity :rolleyes:).


I agree with what you say about it being expensive for a single ticket. I have to confess I use the under 26 scheme at the moment which is kind of awesome as I basically get free tickets (makes paying tax that much sweeter :D).


But I remember last year before this scheme was introduced having to think long and hard about what I went to. Close to twenty quid for a two hour performance is something which is painful to do on a regular basis.


I've been to West End plays which cost the same if not less, and taking into account the fact that London salaries are a lot more than those here and London always has a load of tourists to fill seats, maybe the pricing needs to be looked at or something :huh:

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I've been to West End plays which cost the same if not less, and taking into account the fact that London salaries are a lot more than those here and London always has a load of tourists to fill seats, maybe the pricing needs to be looked at or something :huh:



I'd love to see a show in the West End for less than £20! I've been to numerous and never paid less than £40!

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you fancy a reasonably priced night out at the theatre you could do a lot worse than check out what's on at the Library Theatre across the road from the Lyceum, i saw a cracking play there just before Christmas (A Kick In The Baubles) and have to say that the cast and production were as good as anything have seen in the professional stage.

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