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Supposed recording of angels singing

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This is wonderful :)


Listen to the high pitch of angels in the back.


The story goes that there were only 4 singers and NOBODY was singing behind them solo or the other 3 singers... and the pitch they reach in the background was a pitch that NO human can reach. Also notice that the angels dont ever take a breath and the notes are constant. When the tape starts,NOBODY was singing... but when they played the tape back,they heard the high voices singing and didnt know where they came from...


This was recorded a long time ago so the recording is not that great.


Remember...There were only 4 people singing.



Makes me happy listening to it :)

Edited by Dude111
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The quality is very poor, and its hard to make out the 4 people singing? All i hear is someone singing "Hallelujah" when the recording starts, and then part way through some bloke sings something. Which part is the supposed angels?

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The recording is of very poor quality...


Within the church I go to is a young woman who said she loves to hear the angels sing......and I didn't quite understand what she meant. She has never told me what she hears but I believe I now hear them too.


Our church on occasions does psalming....and whilst this is going on....with others singing randomly in tongues I hear the angels too....it is not a defined song.....but topnotes (not words) sung well above all the voices I have heard before and recognise.


It is quite beautiful...and I am mesmerised when hearing it :D

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What I have heard maybe harmonics...but I doubt it....it's too distinct for harmonics.


And not everyone can hear it.


And why is it called Voice of Angels....well its an unexplained addition to recognised singing....and as it is in the setting of the Church I suppose over many many years it has been attributed to Angels.


I like that...whether true or not....it gives a lovely roundness to what in essence is disjointed singing....lots of people singing all their own song.


Call it what you want....when I hear it I am fascinated.

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