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Fitness Class - Stannington - Thursdays

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What do you mean by slimming types. Do you want people who are not to over weight then? Just lookin for some where to start.




A church hall tends to attract slimmers, weight loss clubs etc....and sadly the target market that I am aiming for tend to train in sports halls or gyms.


I spoke to someone who works in marketing about how I attract fitness people into church halls and his answer was "fitness people train in gyms or sports halls - they don't train in church halls". So in effect, I was attempting to make water go up a hill.


My record at retaining people who have attended slimming clubs is absolutely woefull, whereas if I get people who want an intense session, my retention is far higher - in fact its not far off 100%.


Running the sessions in church halls and sports halls, there is a stark difference in the type of people who are coming to train. (the target market) and thats the reason for moving all the sessions out of church halls.


If you did come to a session, you would need to go at your own pace and not attempt to keep up with the regulars. I do mention this at the start of every class "go at your own pace".


Hope that explanation helps

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