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Toe shortening surgery

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There's nothing you can do to feet that can improve them...aside covering them up. Disgusting things...:gag:


Hmmm...well my friend wants to have her second toes shortened so they are not longer than her big toes, and look better in sandals and barefoot. But I don't know if the pain is worth the gain?:confused:

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Hmmm...well my friend wants to have her second toes shortened so they are not longer than her big toes, and look better in sandals and barefoot. But I don't know if the pain is worth the gain?:confused:


Dear gods - hasn't she got anything better to worry about than what her damn toes look like???


Who on earth (apart from foot fetishists) spends their time checking out other people's feet to see if their toes are the "right" length?


I wonder if you can have finger reduction as well - after all, your hands are much more on show than your feet and it would never do to have fingers which are the "wrong" length! :hihi:

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I can honestly say that I NEVER notice other people's feet. It is the last place you look when you are out and about. Does she seriously think that anybody is remotely interested in her feet? Can she not just make them look a little prettier with a coat of nail polish? How old is she? I assume young? Life gets much easier when you have a little bit of age under your belt. Not that I ever used to worry about such little things as toes.

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I shortened my toes fairly effectively the other day when going to the bog in the middle of the night in the pitch black.. tripped on my nightgown and went ass over t*t down the stairs! Managed to shorten my ribs ,spleen, liver, kidney and most of the rest of my internal organs at the same time! :mad:

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Hmmm...well my friend wants to have her second toes shortened so they are not longer than her big toes, and look better in sandals and barefoot. But I don't know if the pain is worth the gain?:confused:


This is known as "Grecian" toes, as it was considered classically beautiful in ancient Greece. (the medical term for it is "Morton's Foot", or Morton's Toe")


I have this, and it doesn't bother me at all, it's a family trait, my mother had it, and my sisters have it. I'm happy with it, because it's a link with my late mother.


It's not worth putting oneself through the pain and hassle of the op, IMO. I'm not sure why it would look any better after being mutilated by the surgeon...


If it aint broke, why fix it?

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