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Holocaust Memorial Day today 27th Jan

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Should today be a day that's taught in schools and ingrained in the national psyci just as 11th November


I'd say yes, given the lack of knowledge of many of the younger (and not so young) people.


I was astounded at the lack of knowledge when this was being discussed on a recent thread. (Genuine lack of knowledge rather than 'denial' by various people with an agenda)


The Soviet deaths are included in most Remembrance commemorations but I think the Holocaust should be treated differently as these were non-combatants who were murdered.


John X

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This is the poem I wrote five years ago, for the 60th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz:-


" Reflections on the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz"

We light the lights

To remember the souls

of Ravensbruck, Dachau,

Auschwitz, Westerborg...

Remember the six million souls

The Jew, the Gypsy,

The Communist, the Gay,

the Disabled, the Dissenter,

The man, the woman, the child,

The inhumanity, the death,

The old, and the young,

The Lover, the Unloved.

All human life was here,

And so was all human death.

We remember the gas chambers,

We remember the ovens

We remember the yellow stars,

We remember the pink triangles.

If one solitary life, saved

Meant salvation

Of the whole world...

Then six million deaths

Mean six million worlds

Are lost!

The world looks on,

As we light the lights,

To remember six million souls

And we say...

Never again!

Dear God, never again!


"Plain Talker", January 2005

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Had no idea it was Holocaust Memorial Day today until I read this on the Star website.



Should today be a day that's taught in schools and ingrained in the national psyci just as 11th November is, perhaps with a minutes silence at midday or something :|

Nope, thats done nothing but harm in Israel. Now every generation feel victims of the Holocaust and they cannot move on.
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I'd say yes, given the lack of knowledge of many of the younger (and not so young) people.


I was astounded at the lack of knowledge when this was being discussed on a recent thread. (Genuine lack of knowledge rather than 'denial' by various people with an agenda)


The Soviet deaths are included in most Remembrance commemorations but I think the Holocaust should be treated differently as these were non-combatants who were murdered.


John X

So were millions of the Soviets.

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You speak for every generation?
What was a tragic event in the history of humanity is used as an excuse to be inhumane to others.

The 'Never again' mentality has led to some pretty horrific events its self and while ever you think the world is against you then your actions will prety much make sure it is.

The Americans are just waking upto this and changing its foriegn policies to build bridges, but they are only have the guilt of a powerful Jewish lobby to contend with and are not the home nation where its drilled into you to be offencive as your defence.

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This is not Israel.


How can you possibly compare the two?


John X

So why would you feel the need to educate all our children about it and mark the event yearly ? the subject gets covered in history without us having to dwell on it.

We mark the anniversaries of the war already and show respect for the dead, our own dead in WW1 out numbers this event in history alone so why do you feel the need to honour another nations dead ?

I think if anything this country has more obligation to honour the dead of the 2 atomic weapons that we helped create and were dropped on the Japanese than this even which we had not hand in apart from liberating them. Unless you feel we need to pat ourselves on the back every year for winning the war and closing the camps ?

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