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Holocaust Memorial Day today 27th Jan

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Do you think the native american Indians deserve a day of remembrance ? as we were responsible for killing up to 12 million of them.


Yes, of course they deserve one. I don't think the argument should be "well this group don't have a remembrance day, so that group shouldn't". If you care so much about it then you go and campaign for said group to have a day instead of complaining about someone who has actually done that.


The only drivel on here is that we should start to make this terrible tragedy in human history into something that has a higher status than any other terrible event in history just because they were Jewish. If any of you had any concerns about learning from the past then theres all sorts of things that would need a day of remembrance and moments silence in our schools and they would not get anything done.

Were the Jews more important than the Irish in the potato famin and how this country treated them ? I think not.


I don't think a minute here and there is going to cause that much disruption to the education system.


Nazism is a not a very nice ideology but theres others equally not nice, how would you go on about communism ect ? even capitalism does some really nasty things, taking land destroying peoples habitat, where would it end ? what gives you people the right to think that history only has one bad chapter and this is it ?


So you want to put the 'anti semitic' label out because I don't rise to your cause ? your pathetic. :hihi:

What have I said that is anti semitic other than I don't want my kids to wallow on this like the kids are forced to do in Israel ?


Its part of history and should be taught as that in the curriculum but to suggest that we should start mourning them 60 years on is daft when people are killed on mass all the time and it gets glossed over depending on which side of the fence your on.


I don't see what harm it does really hard2miss. Maybe if it was something that had affected you or had affected members of your family that are still alive you would feel differently. The holocaust wasn't a million years ago, there are people still alive now who experienced it and if they and their families want a remembrance day for all the relatives and friends they lost who the hell are you to complain about it.

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It in no way dishonours the brave few French who actively resisted the Nazis that to point out that they did not make "a hell of a contribution to the allies".


They were truly brave man and women who did what they could to fight the Nazis and frequently died for doing so but that doesn't mean we have to pretend they achieved more than they did.


Your bringing De Gaul into this is a complete red herring and you know it as I never claimed he did more than the resistance or even anything at all as I made not mention of him whatsoever.


How on earth would you know what they didn't do. What about the countless acts of selflessness that nobody even knows about because not everything that everyone does gets captured in the history books. You don't and will never know how much they contributed so I don't understand how you can make such a pig-headed statement. :huh:

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How on earth would you know what they didn't do. What about the countless acts of selflessness that nobody even knows about because not everything that everyone does gets captured in the history books. You don't and will never know how much they contributed so I don't understand how you can make such a pig-headed statement. :huh:


why dont you just get a life instead of sitting around doing nothing with your life arguing with people and talking rubish about things you clearly know nothing about.

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i jus gave my opinion from what i heard it wasnt personal it jus seems like you lot in this argument dont really know whats what it seems like you all have too much time on your hands


I think you'll find you said this:


why dont you just get a life instead of sitting around doing nothing with your life arguing with people and talking rubish about things you clearly know nothing about.


About as personal is you can get. If you have nothing to contribute to this topic and you don't like the conversation feel free to go away to another thread. Nobody's forcing you to read this one.

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i didnt mean it just to you i was talking about the whole group i must have pressed the wrong button by mistake i am not used to this as i said before maybe i will find another one because this one is not welcoming

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i didnt mean it just to you i was talking about the whole group i must have pressed the wrong button by mistake i am not used to this as i said before maybe i will find another one because this one is not welcoming


Well I'm sure the 'whole group' would have appreciated your derogatory statement as much as I did. If you want to be welcomed maybe your first post shouldn't have been an attempt to insult everyone don'tcha think? :loopy:

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Hundreds out of millions is a small minority you buffoon.



I'm not back peddling the in the slightest and completely stand by all my comments in this thread. Can you say the same with your absurd claims that De Gaulle didn't fight the Germans and "detested" by the French who regarded him as a 'laughing stock'? Claims which you now seem to have quietly dropped.

i see after my last post to you was deleted you edited your post ,buffoon is it ? as i said before ,you were backpeddling,we all saw what you posted regarding the french resistance, the more you use insults the more you show yourself up, keep on posting pages of copy and paste, like the spoilt child you are, you hate to be corrected, as posts in the past have shown , just like a spoilt little boy who cant get his own way ,carry on backpeddling ,twisting and turning ,its to late ,we saw what you posted about the resistance and that 's history , like the war ,it cant be removed or altered

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why dont you just get a life instead of sitting around doing nothing with your life arguing with people and talking rubish about things you clearly know nothing about.


Great first post by the way! :suspect:


What is it they say? 'How to win friends and influence people.'


John X

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