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Holocaust Memorial Day today 27th Jan

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Basically some people think that it concentrates too much on the Jews who were murdered, even though the memorial is for all victims.


John X

thats because israel spend a lot of time and effort in promoting what happened, they sort of stand out more than the polish or the gays who were murdered due to their efforts in reminding the world how bad it was and that it was allowed to happen
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Or maybe because the majority of those murdered were Jews?


John X

yes... its similar to the hillsborough disaster in a way , liverpool spends a lot more effort publicising it and asking for answers than sheffield does because a lot of the dead were liverpudlians, a strange answer you may say but it does make sense ,those who lose the most shout loudest ,and rightly so

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still back peddling ?your posts were there for all to see ,

So produce some direct quotes to demonstrate this "back peddling" you keep on claiming I'm up to then. I keep on asking you to do this and you keep on conspicuously failing to do so.


as for personal abuse from me where ?

"plek you are at times like a spoiled child that keeps on screaming to get his own way"


like the spoilt child you are, you hate to be corrected, as posts in the past have shown , just like a spoilt little boy who cant get his own way


as i said , a spoilt child who needs to have the last word stamp scream stamp scream


plek denying that the resistance did enough to fight back against the nazis, many french resistance fighters were jews, maybe thats where his problem lays


you were the one that called me a buffoon ,or are you going to deny that ,theres no worming your way out

I freely admitted to calling you a buffoon and as with everything I've said in this thread absolutely stand by doing so. Furthermore I suggest that 'buffoon' is positively mild considering your ludicrous behaviour in this thread.


like you tried to do when you belittled the french freedom fighters earlier deny it all you want ,we all saw it ,you are to say the least guilty of defomation ,i doubt you would have slated the resistance had you actually been in france but because your safely behind your keyboard you feel you can say what you want to who you want,

Direct quotes to substantiate these delusional claims please.


and your present post that i have quoted looks like a plea to the mods to get me off your back for speaking against you

In what conceivable sense was my previous post a plea to anyone for anything? You really do interpret plain English in most eccentric ways.


,as for the b n p supporting ,thats a failed, very weak attempt to discredit me , look at my posts ,i sadly have always voted labour ,another sad try plek, your failing misserably with your posts to tarnish me ,as everyone can see , now back on topic we were discussing the holocaust rememberance day,until you dropped your rattle

I've no way of knowing who you voted for I do however know who you spoke out for in all those 'BNP megathreads' back around the time I 1st became active on the board and it certainly wasn't Labour.


Still waiting for your evidence that De Gaulle didn't fight the Germans, you to back up your claim I dishonestly edited one of my posts and of course a direct quote to substantiate your claim I "slag off those that fought the germans" by the way. Will those be forthcoming in your next diatribe or will it just be more abuse?

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are you still up ? and still moaning , i wont go through all the post again for you ,you know where they are as you posted them , can i ask you this ?,,,have you ever been to a rememberance service ? if you have wich ? i doubt you will know that they commemorate all the dead from every conflict from ww1 up to today, well have you ever been to one ?or as we say around these parts are you all mouth and trousers ?

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are you still up ? and still moaning , i wont go through all the post again for you ,you know where they are as you posted them

But I don't 'know where they are' because nothing I've posted even comes close to matching your delusional claims. So help us out:


  • Produce direct quotes of me slagging off those who fought the Germans (I can and have produced a direct quote of you doign so).
  • Produce a direct quote demonstrating me backtracking on anything
  • Specify the exact post you claim I dishonestly edited

You can't can you as you know very well you are a lying liar who was lying when you accused me of doing all of the above.


, can i ask you this ?,,,have you ever been to a rememberance service ? if you have wich ? i doubt you will know that they commemorate all the dead from every conflict from ww1 up to today, well have you ever been to one ?or as we say around these parts are you all mouth and trousers ?

:huh: How would my attending a remembrance service affect whether or not I'm "all mouth and trousers"?


Once again you are making no sense whatsoever.

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But I don't 'know where they are' because nothing I've posted even comes close to matching your delusional claims. So help us out:


  • Produce direct quotes of me slagging off those who fought the Germans (I can and have produced a direct quote of you doign so).
  • Produce a direct quote demonstrating me backtracking on anything
  • Specify the exact post you claim I dishonestly edited

You can't can you as you know very well you are a lying liar who was lying when you accused me of doing all of the above.



:huh: How would my attending a remembrance service affect whether or not I'm "all mouth and trousers"?


Once again you are making no sense whatsoever.

do you have issues with constantly wanting attention, no one has to provide any posts to settle your mind they are already on here for all to see , and if as i said earlier you had ever attended a memorial service then you would know what i mean , you really dont like being proven wrong do you ? tell you what ...instead of hyjacking and ruining a decent thread with your moaning and backpeddling take it to pm and let those of us with something decent to say carry on with it ,hows that ? you can stamp your feet as much as you like, throw tantrums as well ,im a good listener ,so what do you say button up and leave the thread to those who are intrested in it and go to pm or keep coming back ,moaning like a spoilt brat thats been caught out and wont admit it ,or is it your intention to get the thread closed so no one can see your distastefull remarks about the resistance ?
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