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Holocaust Memorial Day today 27th Jan

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:huh: What you're suggesting the the French Resistance somehow made "a hell of a contribution to the allies" in what has to be one of the most exhaustively studied periods in history ever but that this "hell of a contribution" has somehow been missed by the multitude of historians who've studied the war?


Can you give us a hint at least to suggest what this major but unknown contribution to the Allies was?

The major contribution to the French resistance was mainly made by British secret service agents.They organised most of the groups and took most of the risks.

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"The classes and the races to weak to master the new conditions of life must give way, they must perish in the revolutionary holocaust"


Karl Marx


Marx never wrote these words. I notice you did not cite the source of this quotation. It is true that citations for this quotation have been given before (cf. to Marx's journalistic writings in the 1850s), but when these sources have been investigated they have been proven to be false. Both Marx and Engels were undoubtedly what we would call racists (as were most Western intellectuals of their era), but there is no evidence that Marx is the author of the quotation you use, and certainly no evidence that either of them used the word 'holocaust'.

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Despite your attempts to muddy the waters with talk about 'Indians' Roma and homosexuals, your anti-Semitism is plain for all of us to see.


Any chance of leaving this thread now? We know you don't like Jews and no-one wants to hear your whining complaints about them which are particulary inappropriate on a Holocaust thread.


John X

Why dont you go and jump in the Don you dipstick


I am not anti Jewish, I dont like Israelis much but thats because they are a bully nation.


I dont agree with the idea about having a 'special day' for this where we expected to grieve and shed a tear annually, we have a day set aside for honoring the dead and we dont need another just because Israelis want to remind us that the Jews were hard done by so to give them a break and let them carry on with 'their' Persecution of the Arabs.

If its not learnt in history then it should be as it is an important event and I agree we should learn from it and never let it happen again, but if you want to have a minutes silence then thats your choice but dont expect my kids to be doing it along side you.


I dont want them suffering from this as do many Israelis.


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Why dont you go and jump in the Don you dipstick


I am not anti Jewish, I dont like Israelis much but thats because they are a bully nation.


I dont agree with the idea about having a 'special day' for this where we expected to grieve and shed a tear annually, we have a day set aside for honoring the dead and we dont need another just because Israelis want to remind us that the Jews were hard done by so to give them a break and let them carry on with 'their' Persecution of the Arabs.

If its not learnt in history then it should be as it is an important event and I agree we should learn from it and never let it happen again, but if you want to have a minutes silence then thats your choice but dont expect my kids to be doing it along side you.


I dont want them suffering from this as do many Israelis.



Nobody is expecting you to shed a tear on Holocaust day, nobody expected me to shed a tear, so why was it any different for you?


I really have to wonder what type of person judges one of the most persecuted peoples in history to be suffering from a persecution complex. The Pogroms that have been happening since before the year zero are certainly a real problem rather then a problem of perception.

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It was in reference to the OP.


There is a world of difference between remembering, which what the OP was suggesting, and shedding a tear. Even if you don't feel any empathy for the victims of the holocaust, for one reason or another, don't you think it is important to have regular reminder how "inhuman" the human race can be if left unchecked.


For me this is a good enough reason as any to have a memorial day, even long after the WW2 has left the nation psyche.

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The major contribution to the French resistance was mainly made by British secret service agents.They organised most of the groups and took most of the risks.


There is an element of truth to that in that the British role of coordinating groups was important, but the greater part of what you have said is a rather insulting patriotic fantasy.


The french resistance was organised by right thinking people from across the french political spectrum including many Communists. It also involved in the south large numbers of Spanish republicans that had fled Franco. The most notable contribution to the french resistance came perhaps unsurprisingly from Jews that made up around 15% of their numbers. As for risks the Maquis faced summary death when they were caught, and the french civilian population faced retributary slaughter for their actions. To say the BCRA took most of the risks, is quite simply rubbish.

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I am not anti Jewish, I dont like Israelis much but thats because they are a bully nation.


I'm going to have to call you on this.


Your language about Jewish holocaust victims gives the game away. You are using justifiable concerns about Israel's behaviour in the Middle East as a cover for your anti-Semitism.


As has been pointed out to you many times, the state of Israel was not even in existence during WWII and since when has the Holocaust been used as an excuse for what they do to the Palestinians?


The last time I looked, the State of Israel was using the Old Testament to justify their policy in the region, not the Holocaust.


John X

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