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Holocaust Memorial Day today 27th Jan

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your still here stamping your feet and being bloody minded i see despite my request to leave the thread to those who want to make a real contribution , go to pm as i requested last night

Given the kicking you're taking I quite understand your desire for this to go private but seeing as you've spent the bulk of this thread lying about and to me I don't see why I should indulge you.


and as for links you have google ...use it instead of trolling on here ,you were wrong and thats all i have to say on the matter

Do you really not understand that repeating an assertion is not the same thing as substantiating it?


You keep on saying I'm wrong, you keep on saying I insulted those who fought the Germans, you claim I dishonestly edited my posts yet you have been completely unable to substantiate any of your allegations. How about instead of simply repeating your claims you actually try presenting evidence to back them up?

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Given the kicking you're taking I quite understand your desire for this to go private but seeing as you've spent the bulk of this thread lying about and to me I don't see why I should indulge you.



Do you really not understand that repeating an assertion is not the same thing as substantiating it?


You keep on saying I'm wrong, you keep on saying I insulted those who fought the Germans, you claim I dishonestly edited my posts yet you have been completely unable to substantiate any of your allegations. How about instead of simply repeating your claims you actually try presenting evidence to back them up?

a kicking ? from you ?:hihi::hihi::hihi: get real ,all your requests are in the thread try reading it through again


a kicking :hihi::hihi: hillarious ,you just wish you could do it in real life i bet.


you keep coming back whining like a spoilt child,each time you get a little louder, now your reverting to what you really mean to say ,you want to give me a kicking ? pick up your dummy boy and retire to bed

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a kicking ? from you ?:hihi::hihi::hihi: get real ,all your requests are in the thread try reading it through again


a kicking :hihi::hihi: hillarious ,you just wish you could do it in real life i bet.


you keep coming back whining like a spoilt child,each time you get a little louder, now your reverting to what you really mean to say ,you want to give me a kicking ? pick up your dummy boy and retire to bed

Resorting to insults now.Not good.

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a kicking ? from you ?:hihi::hihi::hihi: get real ,all your requests are in the thread try reading it through again

Really? Direct quotes and links to substantiate this blatantly false claim please.


a kicking :hihi::hihi: hillarious ,you just wish you could do it in real life i bet.


you keep coming back whining like a spoilt child,each time you get a little louder, now your reverting to what you really mean to say ,you want to give me a kicking ? pick up your dummy boy and retire to bed

:roll: So not only do you not understand the concept of substantiating assertions you don't even seem to know what a metaphor is.

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Really? Direct quotes and links to substantiate this blatantly false claim please.



:roll: So not only do you not understand the concept of substantiating assertions you don't even seem to know what a metaphor is.

no ? but i can spot a troll cant i
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no ? but i can spot a troll cant i

I doubt it seeing as if you're suggesting I'm the troll in question you seem to think a troll is someone who attempts to debate issues using reason and evidence, which so far as I'm aware is not a commonly accepted definition of "troll".


Still waiting for you to substantiate so much as a single one of your allegations by the way:


  • Which post specifically are you claiming I 'slagged off' French Resistance fighters? - Direct quote and link please.
  • Which posts specifically are you claiming I backtracked upon anything in? - Direct quotes and links please.
  • Which post specifically are you claiming I dishonestly edited? - Direct quote and link please.

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I doubt it seeing as if you're suggesting I'm the troll in question you seem to think a troll is someone who attempts to debate issues using reason and evidence, which so far as I'm aware is not a commonly accepted definition of "troll".


Still waiting for you to substantiate so much as a single one of your allegations by the way:


  • Which post specifically are you claiming I 'slagged off' French Resistance fighters? - Direct quote and link please.
  • Which posts specifically are you claiming I backtracked upon anything in? - Direct quotes and links please.
  • Which post specifically are you claiming I dishonestly edited? - Direct quote and link please.

well now ,see what happens when an adult ignores a screaming child ,they eventualy quieten down and instead of demanding things they say please, well i believe i answered all of your requests way back around post 97ish.



heres something else for you

quote ..... In his memoirs De Gaulle painted a picture of a French population betrayed by her leaders and begging for his leadership. In reality, many patriotic Frenchmen did not have the opportunities he enjoyed. He was given use of the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) for his Fighting France propaganda broadcasts to the mainland, as well as Allied assistance in providing transportation and equipment for his followers. In the beginning, the majority of French patriotic groups and partisans did not support de Gaulle despite his early claims.


De Gaulle demanded the Allies treat him and his followers as full partners, to include weapons and command of troops. His pique at being left out of the Allied invasion of French North Africa and subsequent invitation to assist General Henri Giraud in forming a committee to oversee the French colonies led to a rebuke by Churchill. Upon arriving in Algiers, de Gaulle was insulted by the security measures that were taken, including sequestering him in a requisitioned villa surrounded by barbed wire. He let his dissatisfaction be known to Churchill, who burst out, ‘This is an occupied country!’


He reluctantly joined Giraud in forming a governing committee under the guidelines set forth by the Allies. De Gaulle despised Giraud and his people for their previous allegiance to the Vichy government and quickly phased them out of the committee, gaining complete control for himself. He informed the Allies that the North African colonies were sovereign French and that they were welcome as long as they continued to support him and his mission to free France. In reality, de Gaulle had little to back up such a claim. He controlled no military. The French military units still obeyed Giraud and fought alongside the Allies throughout the African campaign. The Allies also provided the food and material required to sustain the colonies. Churchill wrote: ‘I resented his arrogant demeanor. Here he was, a refugee, an exile from his own country under sentence of death, in a position entirely dependent on the goodwill of the British government, and also now of the United States. The Germans had conquered his country. He had no real foothold anywhere. Never mind; he defied all.’


De Gaulle believed that if he had been included in the planning of the invasion of North Africa less bloodshed would have resulted. He was not included in the invasion scheme because the Americans were counting on the French Africans’ support and weak opposition from the Vichy government. De Gaulle was considered a traitor by both groups, and French cooperation was not possible with his involvement. De Gaulle did little to endear himself to these groups. He shed French blood in his disastrous attempt to take the port of Dakar in October 1940, accusing the Vichy government of ‘misusing the courage and discipline of those who were in subjection to them.’ In his attempt to get out from under the thumb of the Allies and establish Free French territory, de Gaulle mounted a series of small campaigns to liberate French Equatoria, causing many casualties with very little strategic results. His decision to fight his own countrymen instead of the Germans did little to dispel the Vichy claim that de Gaulle was a traitor. It was not until the Vichy government began outright collaboration with its German masters that his countrymen began to look to de Gaulle for leadership.


the first paragraph says exactly what i said ,degaulle wasnt liked by his fellow frenchmen


the fact that he was wounded didnt make him a warrior, he retired to a lecrturers job after being released ,he was incase you didnt know taken prisoner by the germans ...


his great division as you mentioned hardly fought a battle with him in charge they were removed from the theatre to another place


heres a link containing all the stuff http://www.historynet.com/charles-de-gaulle-wartime-leader-of-france.htm

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well now ,see what happens when an adult ignores a screaming child ,they eventualy quieten down and instead of demanding things they say please, well i believe i answered all of your requests way back around post 97ish.


Perhaps you could answer his points instead if insulting him?

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