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Holocaust Memorial Day today 27th Jan

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Had no idea it was Holocaust Memorial Day today until I read this on the Star website.



Should today be a day that's taught in schools and ingrained in the national psyci just as 11th November is, perhaps with a minutes silence at midday or something :|


Yes, I think it should.

I've read all of the posts that say 'yeah, but what about the x number of people killed by such and such a regime'. Fine, commemorate them by all means, but I still firmly believe that there's a very powerful message for the youth of today in the Holocaust and that we owe it to them to share it.


The various comments about Israel are fairly repellent frankly - and just illustrate the message even more starkly; hatred of others - for their nationality, or race, or sexuality, or disability - is an evil. If it's not checked and countered, it can grow to utterly monstrous proportions.


Lady Star, in her response to hard2miss's rather naive claim that 'its covered in history' points out that for a great many young people it's a mystery, something they're only very dimly aware of.

It staggers me that any sane person could think it shouldn't be taught as widely as possible.

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It staggers me that any sane person could think it shouldn't be taught as widely as possible.

Taught in school yes,

Should today be a day that's taught in schools and ingrained in the national psyci just as 11th November is, perhaps with a minutes silence at midday or something



When we were at school it was taught as part of history and we knew enough on the subject, if they are not teaching it now then it probably should be, but yet again quite a lot seems to get missed out now from when I went.


teach it by all means as part of an history lesson, but whats suggested by the OP is stupid. Does anyone here know or care of how many holocausts and cases of ethnic type cleaning the UK is guilty of ?

If we wanted to learn anything about getting on and the evils of this type of thing then we have enough in our own past to draw lessons from.


WW1 and WW2 should be a strong part of any history coriculum I totaly agree, but thats as far as it should go.

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how many holocausts and cases of ethnic type cleaning the UK is guilty of ?

If we wanted to learn anything about getting on and the evils of this type of thing then we have enough in our own past to draw lessons from.


The error in your argument is that you are putting the Holocaust down to a nation rather than an ideology.


It wasn't 'the Germans' who were responsible for the Holocaust but the Nazis. As has been pointed out before on this thread, many of the Jews murdered were themselves Germans. Austrians, Poles and other Eastern citizens were also involved in the murders.


While the ideology behind the holocaust is still alive, then it is just as important now, to let young people know the dangers of where it can lead.


Consigning it to the history lesson is not enough. The rise of Naziism in the thirties in Germany and Austria should also be taught, as well as the chronology of WWII.


John X

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The error in your argument is that you are putting the Holocaust down to a nation rather than an ideology.


It wasn't 'the Germans' who were responsible for the Holocaust but the Nazis. As has been pointed out before on this thread, many of the Jews murdered were themselves Germans. Austrians, Poles and other Eastern citizens were also involved in the murders.


While the ideology behind the holocaust is still alive, then it is just as important now, to let young people know the dangers of where it can lead.


Consigning it to the history lesson is not enough. The rise of Naziism in the thirties in Germany and Austria should also be taught, as well as the chronology of WWII.


John X

we know the holocaust happened ,there can be no denial ,but what we have to ask is why and how it was allowed to happen ,the germans were broke when hitler came to power a loaf of bread was thousands of marks, wher did the nazis get the money to build weapons and transport ? to gain the strength they needed to begin this war ? the answer is corporate banking and buisiness, profits caused and paid for the holocaust

ibm and rockefeller banking supplied the money and the technology along with other large companies ...the nazis and greed caused the deaths of millons of people so if we are going to teach our children about it then we must start at the very beggining




its all well and good us teaching our children about history but its the adults that even today create genocide,the same as it was in the recent past and once again it's for profit or land

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we know the holocaust happened ,there can be no denial ,but what we have to ask is why and how it was allowed to happen ,the germans were broke when hitler came to power a loaf of bread was thousands of marks, wher did the nazis get the money to build weapons and transport ? to gain the strength they needed to begin this war ? the answer is corporate banking and buisiness, profits caused and paid for the holocaust


Yes, the Nazis needed the aid of big business once they had come to power but to come to power in the first place, they needed the support of a significant section of the German working class.


How that support turned a group of ex-WWI veterans who were frankly a laughing stock into the ruling party of a resurgent Germany is something which should be studied as well as the actual battles and course of WWII.


John X

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Yes, the Nazis needed the aid of big business once they had come to power but to come to power in the first place, they needed the support of a significant section of the German working class.


How that support turned a group of ex-WWI veterans who were frankly a laughing stock into the ruling party of a resurgent Germany is something which should be studied as well as the actual battles and course of WWII.


John X

true,just like todays politicians ,they offer work money better housing all vote catchers all the people needed to do was believe and vote for the ones offering the help that was needed to get germany back on it's feet, but votes alone dont put bread on the table ,there has to be a fund to provide that sort of thing ,the nazis were provided with that fund, technically the nazi party was bought and paid for by big banks with big bucks and big corporations who could eventually tell their share holders that they would be receiving a good profit on their investment,what they didnt tell them is that it would cost millions of lives
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If it teaches of what mans inhumanity to man can sink to then yes it would be worth teaching in schools.

I also think that those civilians who joined the resistance movements throughout occupied Europe should have some recognition. Many of them risked their lives to help allied airman escape or hid Jews knowing that the penalty was death if they were caught and many were caught, tortured then shot.


They were a very special breed. Many were not Jewish and could have just rode out the occupation by going along with the laws of the occupiers and staying out of trouble but they chose to do otherwise.


Excellent point. The notorious French Resistance made a hell of a contribution to the allies.

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