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Holocaust Memorial Day today 27th Jan

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American indigenous peoples - 8 million to as many as 112 million.

Jews, Homosexuals, Gypsis, Socialists - 6 million +

Rwanda -between 500,000 and 1,000,000, or as much as 20% of the total population of the country.

Armenia - 500,000 died.

Bosnia - between 200,000 and 400,000 people died, 20,000-50,000 Bosnian Muslim women raped.

Darfur - estimating that the true death toll could be four or five times higher than the 70,000 official figurers.



Indeed the world is a sad place at times. We should teach every act of genocide in schools if you wanted to learn them anything from history, without getting hung up on one.


I think the fear of the BNP have got the better of some people.



As I said, i'm not up on my history, and a rememberance to the mass slaughter of 6 million poeple is the topic of this thread. The BNP as nothing to do with it. But there are plenty of other threads discussing them should you be intrerrested.

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Once an Italian woman, a dancer, was brought to the crematorium. That drunken pig, the roll call officer Schillinger, ordered her to dance naked. She took advantage of a favorable moment, came near him, grabbed his pistol away from him, and shot him down.2 In the exchange of gunfire that followed, the SS won of course.



2. This incident became one of the more famous stories of resistance to the Holocaust. Because of its ubiquity and the vagueness of its source, Lawrence L. Langer (citing Kogon and Bettelheim) treats it as probably mythical; Versions of Survival (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1982), 43. It seems somewhat more credible in this account, as the source was a fifteen-year-old child who reported it even before the war was over and before any published accounts had appeared. See SSS, 186; TPH, 240; Bettelheim, Informed Heart, 259.




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here are numerous stories like this my step father was with the first british troops to enter one of these camps ,he told me that one commandants wife had lamp shades and purses made out of the tattooed skin of prisoners and that even soap was made from rendered down fat from the dead


i have often wonderd if there was any truth behind the stories or were they just added to increase the hate of the enemy by our psychological warfare group


The Nazis did make lampshades and other objects out of human skin. There are quite a few reports of them and some were introduced and forensically tested in both the Ilse Koch trials.


The Nazis also made soap out of their victims, but only experimentally they never went in to mass production.

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Do you think the native american Indians deserve a day of remembrance ? as we were responsible for killing up to 12 million of them.


The only drivel on here is that we should start to make this terrible tragedy in human history into something that has a higher status than any other terrible event in history just because they were Jewish. If any of you had any concerns about learning from the past then theres all sorts of things that would need a day of remembrance and moments silence in our schools and they would not get anything done.

Were the Jews more important than the Irish in the potato famin and how this country treated them ? I think not.

Nazism is a not a very nice ideology but theres others equally not nice, how would you go on about communism ect ? even capitalism does some really nasty things, taking land destroying peoples habitat, where would it end ? what gives you people the right to think that history only has one bad chapter and this is it ?


So you want to put the 'anti semitic' label out because I don't rise to your cause ? your pathetic. :hihi:

What have I said that is anti semitic other than I don't want my kids to wallow on this like the kids are forced to do in Israel ?


Its part of history and should be taught as that in the curriculum but to suggest that we should start mourning them 60 years on is daft when people are killed on mass all the time and it gets glossed over depending on which side of the fence your on.


I just thought I'd add semitic to all the other 'anti' causes you seem so fond of. ;)


I posted because you sought fit to state something which was patently untrue and did so to instil a 'so what we lost more in WW1' attitude in potential readers of the thread.


Israel as a nation did not exist at the time of the holocaust and the victims of it can hardly be held responsible for the actions of people who followed them in history.


The majority of the civilian victims of the holocaust did follow the jewish religion but they were citizens of the respective countries they were born in as were the disabled, homosexual and other groups deemed 'untermensch' by the Nazis.


Of course history is littered with genocidal attrocities, including the expulsion ( and drowning on the Thames of some) of Jews by Edward 1 in our very own England.


The thing is, like the Native American genocide, most of them are beyond the living memory of people still alive today. The war had been over 20 years when I was born, if I think back 20 years from to 1990 it seems like yesterday. I for one do not separate the Holocaust victims from the all of the dead of WWII but can think of no harm in remembering it as part of the whole thing.

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As I said, i'm not up on my history, and a rememberance to the mass slaughter of 6 million poeple is the topic of this thread. The BNP as nothing to do with it. But there are plenty of other threads discussing them should you be intrerrested.
Ill bare that in mind.

I thought the topic was remembering the holocaust and slipping in that our kids aught to shed a tear yearly and sit in silence and remembering the plight of the Jews ? or did I miss read the OP.


And then someone drop the Anti semitic bomb for saying that maybe we shouldn't. :o

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Ill bare that in mind.

I thought the topic was remembering the holocaust and slipping in that our kids aught to shed a tear yearly and sit in silence and remembering the plight of the Jews ? or did I miss read the OP.


And then someone drop the Anti semitic bomb for saying that maybe we shouldn't. :o


Still not answering the fact you lied about our killed of WWI being greater than six million though eh. ;)

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This brings to mind a film I saw about a year ago which told of the experiences of Wladyslaw Spelman a Polish Jew who was a noted pianist in Warsaw when the Germans invaded. I think it was called "The Pianist"


One scene I recall was the emptying of the Warsaw Ghetto, old men, women and children being pushed and shoved into railway cattle cars for transportation to Auswichitz and certain death. What I noticed was that there were lines of Jewish Police (The Jews that the Germans recruited to assist in keeping order) dressed in police type uniforms all of them young, fit looking men helping to push these wretches into the wagons


If this scene was based on authenticity then there were a lot of self serving scumbags amongst them

Edited by Harleyman
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This brings to mind a film I saw about a year ago which told of the experiences of Wladyslaw Spelman a Polish Jew who was a noted pianist in Warsaw when the Germans invaded. I think it was called "The Pianist"


One scene I recall was the emptying of the Warsaw Ghetto, old men, women and children being pushed and shoved into railway cattle cars for transportation to Auswichitz and certain death. What I noticed was that there were lines of Jewish Police (The Jews that the Germans recruited to assist in keeping order) dressed in police type uniforms all of them young, fit looking men helping to push these wretched into the wagons


If this scene was based on authenticity then there were a lot of self serving scumbags amongst them


What would you have done?

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What would you have done?


You can believe me or not believe me but I would have taken my chances with those going to the camps. There are flaws in my character as much as there are in anyone' else's character but "whoredom" is not one of them

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