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Recycling: Family reduces rubbish to just one bag a year!

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Absolute cobblers! On what do you base this assertion?


Have you ever been to India? Have you seen the absolutely huge recycling centre in Dharavi? 80% of rubbish there is recycled - compared to 23% of British waste.


I apologise to any Dharavians on here for doing you a disservice.

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I do recycle. It's surprising how much difference it makes. On bin day I notice the same households putting out wheelie bins that are bursting at the seams and won't close on a weekly basis, whereas I only put my bin out once a month or less and it's never completely full. Admittedly that's only my waste, where some families will have to buy more so create more rubbish. But still, if people were recycling as much as possible they wouldn't fill the bins to the top every week.


But, that said, I can recycle a lot because I have my own transport. The only recycling bins we have where I am are the blue paper/cardboard bins. I've never used mine, simply because I don't know when they're collected! I've never seen any of the neighbours use theirs either so that's no help :hihi: I take my paper and cardboard, along with plastics, cans, glass etc to the recycling centre closest. But if I didn't have transport it'd have to go in the wheelie bin.


Some areas have other bins for recycling. Most of my family have three or four bins so can get rid of things properly without having to take a trip in the car (which most of them don't have) or fill up the black bins. I assume eventually everywhere will have all the recycling bins needed....?

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1 bin full of unrecyclable waste after a year ?? What a load of rubbish !! So is this family using their disposable income to buy stuff at over inflated prices to avoid landfill then ?? why not just bury their cash in the landfill instead ? Not everyone can buy environmentally sweet food from the shops.. During the present economic climate and before my windfall I shop at job lot and aldi for my tinned stuff and go to sainsburys for my meat and veg.. Sod getting rid of every bit of tin and plastic ethics.. I pay the council to worry about that through my council tax...

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1 bin full of unrecyclable waste after a year ?? What a load of rubbish !!

Not very much rubbish at all, which is the whole point.


So is this family using their disposable income to buy stuff at over inflated prices to avoid landfill then ??


What makes you think they're buying stuff at over inflated prices?


Sod getting rid of every bit of tin and plastic ethics.. I pay the council to worry about that through my council tax...


How selfish of you.

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I was doing some temp work for the Environment Agency last year, and while I was there I learned some pretty shocking facts about waste and recycling. For instance, each year in the UK, we put more than 400 million tonnes of rubbish into landfill :o And per person, we put more rubbish into landfill than any other country in Europe except Greece. All it would take is a little education about where stuff comes from and where it ends up and we could reduce those figures drastically.


I'm all for recycling and I do as much as I can. There are 2 of us living in my house and our household rubbish wheelie bin gets emptied about once every 3 weeks cos the rest gets recycled. Admittedly we are fortunate that there is a recycling centre right near to our house which we can walk to, as having to drive to dispose of it kind of defeats the object.


I personally believe we have a responsibility to recycle everything we can. There is only a finite amount of resources on this planet and an ever-growing population to be sustained. Something has to give. There is an old native-american saying which goes something like "Only when the last tree has been felled and the last river has been polluted will mankind realise that you cannot eat money". Very true.


Look at the Amazonian and Inuit tribespeople. They never waste anything. When they kill an animal they make sure they use every last bit of it - meat for food, bones for stock, fur for clothing. Not a single piece of it is wasted. they make sure they take only that which they need from the land and nothing more, thus maintaining an equilibrium with their surroundings. We westerners on the other hand seem to have an attitude of 'take take take and worry about the consequences later'. That kind of thinking will ultimately lead to ecological disaster.


I think it is a shocking indictment of the sheer arrogance and laziness of modern western society when I hear people saying things like 'I don't recycle cos I can't be arsed. That's what I pay my council tax for to let them deal with it'. :loopy:


It really is unbelievable how many people do not realise that when they throw stuff away, there is no 'away'!

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1 bin full of unrecyclable waste after a year ?? What a load of rubbish !! So is this family using their disposable income to buy stuff at over inflated prices to avoid landfill then ?? why not just bury their cash in the landfill instead ? Not everyone can buy environmentally sweet food from the shops.. During the present economic climate and before my windfall I shop at job lot and aldi for my tinned stuff and go to sainsburys for my meat and veg.. Sod getting rid of every bit of tin and plastic ethics.. I pay the council to worry about that through my council tax...


Not true - I don't have a huge amount of cash, but the vast majority of food I buy has no packaging - meats from butcher in a bit of greaseproof paper, fruits and veg from markets and grocers... Hardly any of my food has alot of packaging - not out of obsession with recycling and being green, more out of the desire to keep costs low and not waste cash on expensive pre packed food that's not even any good for me...

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