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It's burning down there (winky)

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I did want to avoid the doctor for obvious reasons!
My bold


What obvious reasons? You've got nowt the doctor won't have seen before, he's not likely to start sniggering and pointing like a bloody 5 year old, is he?


Get to either your GP or the clinic and get it sorted - the sooner the better. Minor irritations can develop into major problems if not treated promptly, why put up with the burning (and the worry) when it can be sorted out so easily?

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You've got nowt the doctor won't have seen before, he's not likely to start sniggering and pointing like a bloody 5 year old, is he?


:hihi: I would so do that if I were a doctor. Then I'd go and fetch my microscope, hum and har a bit before apologising because it's not powerful enough. Then I'd scribble something down on my log sheet giggling to myself and shaking my head in disbelief. Then the patient would complain to the Trust. Then I'd get fired and blacklisted. Then I'd become withdrawn and depressed. Then I'd turn to drink and drugs. Then I'd die face down in my own self pity. :(

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My bold


What obvious reasons? You've got nowt the doctor won't have seen before, he's not likely to start sniggering and pointing like a bloody 5 year old, is he?



Or even worse the doctor does that thing that mechanics and workmen do.


Slowly shaking the head, pursing the lips, tutting....."Oooooo, tut......tut....oooh, this'll cost you! Oh dear......tut......not taken very good care of that have you eh?.........Oooo, nasty, whoever fitted that wants shooting......." :D

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My winky has started to burn inside of it- but only happens during the shower and continues for a few hours after that.

I've swapped my shower gel for soap free version but it hasn't helped.

Any serious ideas, it's worrying me a bit!


i know you dont want to but your best going to the docs as you seem to have ruled out the soap allergy bit. you ask for an appointment to see a male doctor. they cant refuse you. i always ask for a female when i go. so see the doc especially if you have tried the thrush tablets and cream . you should use both at same time (canestan). and that hasnt worked. good luck.

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