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Question: Are my thoughts my own?

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Every situation is individual and circumstantial. It depends on a lot of different factors and the difference between camping in close quarters in a tent and a couple of dudes sleeping in a bedroom with children can be immense. Having said that it could still be innocent. It depends how old the kids are, where they'll actually be sleeping etc.




yeah, I know the two can be "moraly percieved" to be worlds apart, but where is the comparison drawn regarding public perception in general of the "bedroom" as opposed to the "tent". As I said earlier, the taboo are hardest to offer a convicted opinion towards...I find it very intriguing.

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Thinking about it, the same happens when men wear swimming trunks or women wear bikini's on the beach. But yet, walking around in your underwear would be viewed as being offensive....it's a strange concept that we live by.

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Thinking about it, the same happens when men wear swimming trunks or women wear bikini's on the beach. But yet, walking around in your underwear would be viewed as being offensive....it's a strange concept that we live by.


I think that specific example is a result of our conditioning. We've been brought up to believe that walking around in your underwear is unacceptable but that swimwear is totally normal. It's very difficult to come out of a way of thinking that has been ingrained into us from the day we were born.

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I think that specific example is a result of our conditioning. We've been brought up to believe that walking around in your underwear is unacceptable but that swimwear is totally normal. It's very difficult to come out of a way of thinking that has been ingrained into us from the day we were born.



Thats what I mean, it seems that we have very little control over the thought process that we believe to be "our personal opinion".....Mmmmmm!!


Sorry for getting all deep, but i'm like that.:P


More comments pls.....im now very intrigued:nod:

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Thats what I mean, it seems that we have very little control over the thought process that we believe to be "our personal opinion".....Mmmmmm!!


Sorry for getting all deep, but i'm like that.:P


More comments pls.....im now very intrigued:nod:


Well it's my personal opinion that there's no difference. :) If you're going to walk around in a bikini then you might as well walk around in your bra; the only difference between the two is the material. :loopy:

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Well it's my personal opinion that there's no difference. :) If you're going to walk around in a bikini then you might as well walk around in your bra; the only difference between the two is the material. :loopy:



You'd think so would'nt you, afterall that would be the logical way to look at it. It's strange how rational thinking becomes clouded once we are confronted with anything remotely tabboo.

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The more I think about it, the more I wonder whether my thoughts are acually my own. If I may, i'd like to use the "late great" micheal jackson to explain my meaning.


During the global media storm and legal wranglings over what he did or did'nt do, I personally believed that he was innocent although a little misguided, I personally would'nt share my bed with someone else's kids, or allow my kids to do likewise. In this day and age we need to be constanly on our gaurd.


But I remember watching the martin Bashir interveiw and thinking to myself, this is nothing more that a carefully orchestrated witch hunt, Bashir went their with his mind already made up, he hung him out to dry, making MJ's sleepovers sound sexually motivated.


Now I know that micheal jackson devided opinion and in his final years he was constantly persicuted and ridiculed, even by myself at times. So the question I ask is, are the attitudes and opinions that we judge others by actually our own, or are they simply conditioned through out our lifes leading us to think the worst in any given situation, to the extent that we automatically blame others for "the way we think".....??


You lead yourself into the whole genetics vs environment /OR nature vs nuture, in my opinion.


However, the world would be exponentionally better for the human race overall welfare if we had NO opinons and no beliefs, then we, as humans, would be unified under the rules of reality.


Howver, that is only my opinion, and all that is subjective is open to interpretation and opinion, thus, why we would be waaay better as humans, if we only made our judgements as according to the facts and thereofre be objective, which we almost make it impossible to do because we indulge our desires, which are chiefly greed and glutony, and one of these manifestations is gossip, which our "human nature" maekes it almost impossible to resist.


Really we are all robots, programed, by genetic sequence, to reproduce and behave in certain ways defined by the circumstances of our best sruvival, which we have not fully explored and could never hope to understand as we could not attach logical values to our influences, and the sooner we accept this, and thus unify, is the time all will be revleaded but this is only my OPINION... This can be seen, in my opinion, as been explained by the age old theory of cybernetics explained by the ancient greeks, of everything been a cycle, corrobereated by modern physcis in the universe been a never ending loop i.e. the big bang thoery, which states, the universe is in a constant cycle of expanding and then contracting, and big bangs are repeated. It is strangely ironic that this theory has also allowed neuroscientists to explore brain thoughts by brain neurons been in a never ending loop, which has allowed chips to be implanted to the brain to moniter electro magnetic impulses in the brain, and thus detect thoughts, thus, allowing thoughts to be monitered and explain why the o.p's thoughts may not be their own, this cycle itself repeating in this post... but you could explain anything by words alone.

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You lead yourself into the whole genetics vs environment /OR nature vs nuture, in my opinion.


However, the world would be exponentionally better for the human race overall welfare if we had NO opinons and no beliefs, then we, as humans, would be unified under the rules of reality.


Howver, that is only my opinion, and all that is subjective is open to interpretation and opinion, thus, why we would be waaay better as humans, if we only made our judgements as according to the facts and thereofre be objective, which we almost make it impossible to do because we indulge our desires, which are chiefly greed and glutony, and one of these manifestations is gossip, which our "human nature" maekes it almost impossible to resist.


Really we are all robots, programed, by genetic sequence, to reproduce and behave in certain ways defined by the circumstances of our best sruvival, which we have not fully explored and could never hope to understand as we could not attach logical values to our influences, and the sooner we accept this, and thus unify, is the time all will be revleaded but this is only my OPINION... This can be seen, in my opinion, as been explained by the age old theory of cybernetics explained by the ancient greeks, of everything been a cycle, corrobereated by modern physcis in the universe been a never ending loop i.e. the big bang thoery, which states, the universe is in a constant cycle of expanding and then contracting, and big bangs are repeated. It is strangely ironic that this theory has also allowed neuroscientists to explore brain thoughts by brain neurons been in a never ending loop, which has allowed chips to be implanted to the brain to moniter electro magnetic impulses in the brain, and thus detect thoughts, thus, allowing thoughts to be monitered and explain why the o.p's thoughts may not be their own, this cycle itself repeating in this post... but you could explain anything by words alone.




Yeah, I think the best way to describe it would have to be-paradoxical.



The thing is, even knowing this I still feel compelled to bring my kids up to view taboo subjects in this contradictory manner. I would suspect that 99.9% of parents will be bringing their kids up this way.


Another example:


I could be sat with the kids watching a tv programme about a african tribal village where most of the villagers walk around naked, nothing wrong with that I assure myself....But yet!, if it was a progamme about a group of naturists from wigan who spend their free time fell walking wearing nothing more than their boots and a rucksack i'd turn it over...but why?... the two are the same, just set in a different context within the mind. So with regards to my op, I think its fair to say that in general most of the western world do tend to form their opinions and draw their conclusions based on misconstrued notions.



Mmmmm!!.... R.I.P MJ:headbang:

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