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Who remembers City Hall dances c1954?

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1.Three things to mention this time out. Theres been a couple of references to Barney Goodman, are we sure we're not talking about his son, his name might have been Maurice, (if I could see a list of names that were popular in that era, I probably could pick it out for sure.) Barney would have been 50 or 60'ish in those days, his son use to frequent the 'City' and was supposedly known as a 'woman chaser,' a bit of a 'layabout,' or at the least 'rich guys son with too much money.' 2. Dilys Humphries name rings a bell, did she win some major beauty event (i'm talking significant) and might she have come from Grimesthorpe? 3. This one is aimed at TEXAS, I gather that Pitsmoor might have been your 'home turf,' did you know Dennis Owen? I think he was from that neck of the woods, he was a bit of a character and he was a 'City'goer.

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There were a few market lads went down the City mid 50's, you know dealers, 'wideheads', some on the edge of criminality, and a few pseuds and 'wannabees'. They had a certain way of standing. It was like feet together, slightly hunched shoulders, head moving this way and that, shifty looking, and most importantly the hands, palms backward, fingers slightly curled. Anybody recognise what I mean or was it just a personal observation on my part.

And fleetwood, I remember Denis Owen, he lived at the top of Hayward Road. He had a bro' called Robert. I saw him down the City from time to time, he had a mate called Jack who won a lot of money on the pools and never worked again. He had a beard when beards were rare. That's Jack I'm talking about latterly. He had another mate also name of Tony or Terry, not sure.

Don't know where the delectable Dylis lived, I never got that close, but I'm sure she won a 'Miss' title sometime or other. Not like her mate, she only became Lady Mayoress.

Come on, somebody must remember Gwen or whatever her name was.

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Thanks RHONDA, you maybe right with the name. TEXAS it warms my heart to know that you knew Dennis or Denis, he was'nt a tall lad and he did have this mate who was taller. The mate I am thinking of was a bit of a body builder, he might have had thinning blond hair cut short, he was learning to play the trumpet and because of his build he looked great in the style of clobber that was all the rage at that time. Does this guy sound like Tony or Terry? Although I did'nt know 'him' all that well the name Terry is shouting out at me.

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Dilys Humphries ran a model agency in the late 50s


I remember the girls I worked with talking about it, she was a very attractive lady probably a little older than me.

There was another beautiful lady around at the time called Joan, was alleged she was a friend of Barney Goodman




Dilys Humphries used to hang around with a gang of us on John St. She had a friend called Paulene Poole and I think Rea diskin.

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Bloody hell prioryx, what are you trying to do to my memories? Dylis didn't just 'hang around', she 'sashayed' around.

Fleetwood, you could be right about Terry, but I played trumpet,and if he did, that makes about four trumpet players in that corner, that's a full section. I must say I like the word 'clobber', not heard that for a while.

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1.Three things to mention this time out. Theres been a couple of references to Barney Goodman, are we sure we're not talking about his son, his name might have been Maurice, (if I could see a list of names that were popular in that era, I probably could pick it out for sure.) Barney would have been 50 or 60'ish in those days, his son use to frequent the 'City' and was supposedly known as a 'woman chaser,' a bit of a 'layabout,' or at the least 'rich guys son with too much money.' 2. Dilys Humphries name rings a bell, did she win some major beauty event (i'm talking significant) and might she have come from Grimesthorpe? 3. This one is aimed at TEXAS, I gather that Pitsmoor might have been your 'home turf,' did you know Dennis Owen? I think he was from that neck of the woods, he was a bit of a character and he was a 'City'goer.




Delys Humphries liveed around Sharrow Lane area in the early 50s.

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I'm using this thread because it's connected in a way. What happened to the lions that used to stand guard on the City Hall Concert Stage? Seems to me they were criticized and ridiculed for some reason or another. I think I recall they got moved to Weston Park Museum, could be wrong on that one. Were they not sculptured by some famous artist and where are they now?

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