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Who remembers City Hall dances c1954?

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No problem Nanrobbo, the suit didn't work and I could only just afford a bike let alone an American car - so no blondes in black dresses.

What happened to the dances at the Rotherham Baths that they became so gross. If I am not mistaken, Duke Ellington played there once and he remembered the place when I saw him in Detroit some years later. But I suppose all these events go downhill after a whle.


We all have good memories of the City HAll dances Redneck, where abouts in GA are you ? did you get the Tornado ? My son just moved from Roswell GA to NC, thank goodness, I've never seen spiders that big in my life as in GA :hihi:

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Live in Athens about 70 miles east of Roswell and ,thank god, we only had a lot of rain. For some reason, storms seem to break up over Atlanta before they get to us.

I don't know about the part of Sheffield you lived in, Poppins, but I used to shoot at great big spiders in the garden from the bedroom window with an air rifle.

I worked in Rotherham so I really had two sets of pals and went to the City Hall most Saturdays and the baths at other odd times. Missed the last bus and walked home to Sheffield many a time.Wasn't as soft in those days.

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Live in Athens about 70 miles east of Roswell and ,thank god, we only had a lot of rain. For some reason, storms seem to break up over Atlanta before they get to us.

I don't know about the part of Sheffield you lived in, Poppins, but I used to shoot at great big spiders in the garden from the bedroom window with an air rifle.

I worked in Rotherham so I really had two sets of pals and went to the City Hall most Saturdays and the baths at other odd times. Missed the last bus and walked home to Sheffield many a time.Wasn't as soft in those days.


Nay, we walked home in stilletos in 2 " of snow. I was the blonde in the black dress. ;)

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Yes I do remember the tune and I have been humming it in my head all day but now it's bugging me cos I can't remember who played it......:suspect:

I remember the pillars at the City Hall, and trying to remember which one I had last seen my mate standing near when I had finished dancing....Vainly taken glasses off, blind as a bat without them, :hihi: I don't know how I survived this long.


Eddie Calvert - the Man with the Golden Trumpet

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Live in Athens about 70 miles east of Roswell and ,thank god, we only had a lot of rain. For some reason, storms seem to break up over Atlanta before they get to us.

I don't know about the part of Sheffield you lived in, Poppins, but I used to shoot at great big spiders in the garden from the bedroom window with an air rifle.

I worked in Rotherham so I really had two sets of pals and went to the City Hall most Saturdays and the baths at other odd times. Missed the last bus and walked home to Sheffield many a time.Wasn't as soft in those days.


I lived on Herries Rd, Later in Southy Green, then in a flat on West st , born in 1941, been in the US about 40 odd years.


Oh! yes, running for the last bus......driver would wait till we ran right up to it then take off leaving us standing there :hihi: funny now, but not then :mad:

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I think the last time I went there was on VJ night, I liked Glossop road and Abbeydale road mainly because a bird I fancied went there but she would never dance with me. I met her years later and asked her why and she said her dad was there and he decided who she could dance with.

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No problem Nanrobbo, the suit didn't work and I could only just afford a bike let alone an American car - so no blondes in black dresses.

What happened to the dances at the Rotherham Baths that they became so gross. If I am not mistaken, Duke Ellington played there once and he remembered the place when I saw him in Detroit some years later. But I suppose all these events go downhill after a whle.

Sorry we seem to have our wires crossed, I meant the bus ride home was gross not the Baths- as I said we went just the once and to be quite frank there were just too many 'gropers' :o:suspect:

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I think the last time I went there was on VJ night, I liked Glossop road and Abbeydale road mainly because a bird I fancied went there but she would never dance with me. I met her years later and asked her why and she said her dad was there and he decided who she could dance with.
Lord, what a night VJ was, almost as good as VE night. I saw an old feller climb almost to the top of a tall lampost outside the City Hall, then fall off. Neveer did find out if he survived. No ambulance came anyway. It wouldn't have got through the crowd.
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Sorry we seem to have our wires crossed, I meant the bus ride home was gross not the Baths- as I said we went just the once and to be quite frank there were just too many 'gropers' :o:suspect:
Sorry about that, luv. I'll behave missen next time.
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