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Who remembers City Hall dances c1954?

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Buck, there were so many people in that crowd that the old feller couldn't possibly have hit the ground.Can you imagine parents nowadays letting their kids out till midnight in a mob that size with fireworks flying all over the place? The social workers would be round next day.

It was an especially important night for me because VE day meant that my Mum wouldn't have to work at night anymore so I would not have to go back to the hell-hole of a boarding school I went to.Good old City Hall.

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I have been here since 1958 although not always in Georgia. North Carolina is nice but some snow and a hurricane now and then.

Spent my childhood in Ecclesall, Hillsborough and Handsworth when Hitler didn't interfere.

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I have been here since 1958 although not always in Georgia. North Carolina is nice but some snow and a hurricane now and then.

Spent my childhood in Ecclesall, Hillsborough and Handsworth when Hitler didn't interfere.


How old were you when you went over there,Redneck ?

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I have been here since 1958 although not always in Georgia. North Carolina is nice but some snow and a hurricane now and then.

Spent my childhood in Ecclesall, Hillsborough and Handsworth when Hitler didn't interfere.

One of the facts of life in America is that there are many ways to die of the weather wherever you live. If its not earthquakes in California and the west, Typhoons in Hawaii, Blizzards in Maine, or Tornados in Kansas, its hurricanes anywhere on the East Coast. We have relatives living on the space coast in Florida, which is a mandatory evacuation zone for Hurricanes. So they've frequently had to up and away hoping the house hasn't disappeared into the Atlantic. And they keep asking us to move down there because they say Connecticut is too cold. I'll stay right here thank you.
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How old were you when you went over there,Redneck ?

Pattricia, I was 20 years old in the Navy when I first came to the States for 2 years training. I came back permanently in 1958 when I was 26- have been here ever since. when my Mum was alive I used to come back to Sheffield every other Xmas so she wouldn't be alone but the trip is such a hassle now that I don't do it so often.

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I started off at Alfred Golds, Top Floor opposite the peace gardens, then we upgraded to the City Hall & Locarno. Met all of my former girl Friends at these 3 places. Alfie the owner of Alfred Golds was a POOFTER always trying to feel your arse if you weren't carefull, had lots of laughs and good times, the girls were just sensational oh happy times.


Derek Clayton Canberra ACT Australia.

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  • 1 year later...
It was Eddie Calvert and his golden trumpet I think Joan.


I saw Eddie Calvert, "The Man With The Golden Trumpet", playing in a small back room at The Skyline Hotel, Hillbrow, Johannesburg in the early 1970s.


He was found dead and alone in a Johannesburg hotel room months later.


It was such a sad end for a great artist.

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I am now going to the City Hall dances after a gap of about 50 yrs.

No Bernard Taylor, no Big Band, but still the glass floor with coloured lights beneath and I think, on looking around, some of the same crowd that went in the 50's



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