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Pope attacks UK Government over Equality Bill

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Pope Benny has attacked the UK's Equality Bill saying it "violates natural law" and has urged Catholic Bishops to fight it with "missionary zeal".


Story here.


It seems his biggest bone of contention is that the new Bill could ban the Catholic Church from discriminating against homosexuals, the Church's right to ban gays from senior positions.


As well as exposing the Catholic church as old fashioned and illiberal it also begs the question why homosexuals would want to be senior figures in a church and religion which is specifically opposed...to homosexuals.


Why would a tee-totaler want a senior position in a brewery? Why would a black person want to be senior figure in the Ku Klux Klan, why would a Socialist join the Tory party or a Vegan join the Meat Marketing Board?


Surely some organisations are exclusive....just because they are.

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The people who this applies to are not people who would be likely to have any influence over where the church is heading - it does not apply to the people that are/want to be priests or ministers.


In which case he seems to be kicking off over nothing and just emphasising how intolerant and rooted in the past he wishes his Church to be.

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A bit like Militant Tendancy joining the Labour Party in the 80's? They were all expelled.


Yes, it's not necessarily a successful tactic. I recall in the early 80s a number of hunt sabs joining the National Trust (and thus having voting rights at AGMs).


But, like auto98uk has said, this is more about gay cleaners than it is about cardinals.

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What has it got to do with him what goes on here anyway? He is just the international leader of a minority sect in this country. If Sunni or Shia leaders based in the Middle East gave their opinions on British laws, we would quite rightly (IMO) tell them where to get off. We should tell the pontiff where to stick his views too.

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There is already an exemption so the people who actually deal with religion - priests etc, can be appointed as the church sees fit.


What they are complaining about is that they may have to employ a gay cleaner!


Why shouldn't an employer have the right to employ whomsoever they wished? Is this a democratic country - or what? Why should we be shackled by Marxist doctrine?

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Why should we be shackled by Marxist doctrine?

I've read Marx; he never wrote that much about gay-rights within the church. You use the word so much i switch off and ignore everything you say. If it rained you'd call the clouds marxist.


This Law applies because it is European Law, and Churches cannot pick and choose which laws they agree with and which ones they don't.

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Why shouldn't an employer have the right to employ whomsoever they wished? Is this a democratic country - or what? Why should we be shackled by Marxist doctrine?


I'd like to reserve my right to never employ you, given your whacky spoutings. But, hey, you might just be good at your job, so I guess you should be given a chance, despite the evidence that you are ever so slighly whacky.


I'm not at sure what this has to do with Marxist doctrine - please explain.

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