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Pope attacks UK Government over Equality Bill

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In which case he seems to be kicking off over nothing and just emphasising how intolerant and rooted in the past he wishes his Church to be.


You have a positive genius for understatement!!! :hihi:


But what else do you expect from a Pope who claims that using condoms doesn't stop AIDS!

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I can imagine the conversation in the Vatican:


Cardinal 1 "These English are denying us our basic human rights to discriminate against gays!"


Cardinal 2 "Those rotters! How dare they! It's completely intolerant of our religious beliefs and not respecting hundreds of years of tradition where we've openly hated gays."


Cardinal 1 "I know! Fancy forcibly sodomising a choir boy?"


Cardinal 2 "Mmmm, Dunno I had one this morning ......... Yeah, Why not"

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Pope Benny has attacked the UK's Equality Bill saying it "violates natural law" and has urged Catholic Bishops to fight it with "missionary zeal".


Story here.


It seems his biggest bone of contention is that the new Bill could ban the Catholic Church from discriminating against homosexuals, the Church's right to ban gays from senior positions.


As well as exposing the Catholic church as old fashioned and illiberal it also begs the question why homosexuals would want to be senior figures in a church and religion which is specifically opposed...to homosexuals.


Why would a tee-totaler want a senior position in a brewery? Why would a black person want to be senior figure in the Ku Klux Klan, why would a Socialist join the Tory party or a Vegan join the Meat Marketing Board?


Surely some organisations are exclusive....just because they are.


thats because the pope is:loopy:

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Pope Benny has attacked the UK's Equality Bill saying it "violates natural law" and has urged Catholic Bishops to fight it with "missionary zeal".


Story here.


It seems his biggest bone of contention is that the new Bill could ban the Catholic Church from discriminating against homosexuals, the Church's right to ban gays from senior positions.


As well as exposing the Catholic church as old fashioned and illiberal it also begs the question why homosexuals would want to be senior figures in a church and religion which is specifically opposed...to homosexuals.


Why would a tee-totaler want a senior position in a brewery? Why would a black person want to be senior figure in the Ku Klux Klan, why would a Socialist join the Tory party or a Vegan join the Meat Marketing Board?


Surely some organisations are exclusive....just because they are.




Why should the catholic church allow homosexuals into high positions within the catholic church, they might to start to interfer with young boys and that must not happen.:huh:

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Pope Benny has attacked the UK's Equality Bill saying it "violates natural law" and has urged Catholic Bishops to fight it with "missionary zeal".

So according to the Catholic Church:

  • Homosexuals acting upon their natural sexual desires - "violates natural law"
  • Priests, Nuns, Monks, Consecrated Virgins... attempting to deny and repress their natural sexual desires - presumably doesn't "violate natural law"
  • Enabling the raping of children by priests for decades continuing to shield those paedophiles priests from human law - presumably doesn't "violate natural law"
  • Whipping yourself with a belt on a regular basis - not only doesn't "violate natural law" but qualifies you for sainthood.


Story here.


It seems his biggest bone of contention is that the new Bill could ban the Catholic Church from discriminating against homosexuals, the Church's right to ban gays from senior positions.


As well as exposing the Catholic church as old fashioned and illiberal it also begs the question why homosexuals would want to be senior figures in a church and religion which is specifically opposed...to homosexuals.


Why would a tee-totaler want a senior position in a brewery? Why would a black person want to be senior figure in the Ku Klux Klan, why would a Socialist join the Tory party or a Vegan join the Meat Marketing Board?


Surely some organisations are exclusive....just because they are.

Presumably in their prayers or whatever god apparently tells these homosexuals who want to play an active role in the Catholic Church that all that stuff about killing homosexuals in bible, all those centuries of the Catholic Church doing all it can to spread homophobia was just an over site or something and he really doesn't hate homosexuals after all, homoseuxals are just as good at doublethink as everyone else, religion frequently requires such tortured thinking. Others might just want a job or to adopt a child and have little concern with religion.


I think you're wrong though to suggest that the bill would force to church to appoint homosexuals to senior positions (where of course closeted homosexuals have been serving for centuries) as the articles states:


"Religious people can be reassured that there is nothing in the Equality Bill which imposes gay priests on religions, but it does protect the general workforce from prejudiced employers,"


The bill doesn't affect priests but other staff employed by the church, secretaries, gardeners and so forth.

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