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Pope attacks UK Government over Equality Bill

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Surely, anyone that is THAT anti-gay must have issues.


He's probably got the Men of Hollyoaks calendar under his bed...


Well he doesn't seem to mind his priests posing for the Vatican "beefcake" priest calendar...



maybe he has that under his bed.


Beauty contests for Nuns is out though.

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"Religious people can be reassured that there is nothing in the Equality Bill which imposes gay priests on religions, but it does protect the general workforce from prejudiced employers,"


Jolly good.


I reckon Pope Benny spends too much time thinking about homosexuality being rammed down his throat, most people don't care. This is backward and embarrassing.

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I've read Marx; he never wrote that much about gay-rights within the church. You use the word so much i switch off and ignore everything you say. If it rained you'd call the clouds marxist.


This Law applies because it is European Law, and Churches cannot pick and choose which laws they agree with and which ones they don't.

isnt the church exempt from civil laws ?regarding who it alows in
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isnt the church exempt from civil laws ?regarding who it alows in


It's certainly not exempt from civil laws when it comes to being an employer, which is why the Pope is getting his knickers in such a twist.

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I think the government should come to a compromise with the Pope on this one. For every paedophile priest they hand over to face justice, they can have an exemption from having to hire one of the millions of gay cleaners who are bound to be queing round the block to have the chance to work for an organisation which condemns them.

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I agree with the Pope. The equaility laws have forced adoption agencies to consider gay parents which I don't agree with. Children brought up by two men or two women will grow up warped.









Like this:



Abbie Goldberg, an assistant professor of psychology at Clark University in Worcester, Mass., looked at gay parenting from the 1970s to the present in her book, "Lesbian and Gay Parents and Their Children: Research on the Family Life Cycle."


"The sexual orientation of a parent has really little to do with their parenting," Goldberg tells USA Today.



Goldberg tells USA Today she found no appreciable difference between children from gay and straight parents in terms of their mental health, self esteem, life satisfaction, social skills or number of friends. She added children with gay parents are teased about their parents but don't experience more teasing overall.


And having gay parents doesn't make children gay themselves, she tells the newspaper. There is no indication in her research, she says, that suggests children's sexual preferences are determined by their parents.



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