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Pope attacks UK Government over Equality Bill

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Christians don't honour the Sabbath day, they shifted it to another day of the week. And not doing any work is rarely observed and not particularly helpful... what of doctors/nurses should they leave their patients for a day unattended?


Honouring father and mother is not universally good guidance when they do you wrong.


The ban on murder in general is a good idea, but there are generally considered to be exceptions, similarly theft.


The ones about no idols and just worshiping god are vain and cause religious conflict.


Do unto others ..... is a worthy rule, but one shared by all religions and most cultures. It is nice that it is included, but it would be remarkable by its omission rather than inclusion.


The ten commandments then aren't a particularly good set of principles to run your life by.


The early Christians among whom were many Jews continued to celebrate the Sabbath on the Saturday and they kept Sunday special as well for that was the day of Christ resurection, the Gentiles kept Sunday as the special day.


I am glad you think the teaching of Christ is good and is also shared by others. I cannot understand why people should knock something that by general agreement is good.



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The early Christians among whom were many Jews continued to celebrate the Sabbath on the Saturday and they kept Sunday special as well for that was the day of Christ resurection, the Gentiles kept Sunday as the special day.


I am glad you think the teaching of Christ is good and is also shared by others. I cannot understand why people should knock something that by general agreement is good.



My bold


If the "something" is Christianity, I'd like some proof that it's generally agreed to be good.

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And they are welcome in God's house. they just don't know it yet.


Here's my summation of the New Testament:


Love each Other.


You can't really go wrong if you follow that maxim, and it's an unlikely edict for a manipulative or self-serving deity.


It's a long time since I read it all the way through, but wasn't that Christ's summation too?


Wasn't that echoed by the little Roman shortass (Paul) when he said:

"And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love."?


I'm not a homosexual. I was once sexually assaulted (minor, not bu88ered) by a homosexual who had befriended me and had helped me when I really needed help. - he just 'misread me'.


I didn't beat the crap out of him - I was grateful for the help he had provided to me (albeit that he perhaps thought he was going to 'score'.) I made it very clear to him that his advances were unwelcome and I would beat the crap out of him if he tried it again. He understood and we remained friends.


People make mistakes. - He made a mistake when he thought I was homosexual, but we got past that. I've made mistakes when I tried to 'score' with females. It happens.


Cardinal Ratzinger's last job (before he became Pope Benedict) was the advocate for 'no change' in the doctrine of the Catholic church. He's a conservative. perhaps he will change -perhaps not. We'll have to 'wait and see'. There's no doubt that he is a 'good man' and there's also no doubt that -as a committed Christian - he knows the meaning (and importance) of 'love one another as you love yourself'.


He is as entitled to his opinion as are you or I. If you or I disagree with that opinion, that is our right. We can always ignore it.


I doubt that any of the newspapers would lead with an article which said that you, I or any other member of this forum disagreed with Pope Benedict.


It wouldn't sell anywhere near as many copies as an article which suggested that the Pope is an homophobe... and he is not.

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My bold


If the "something" is Christianity, I'd like some proof that it's generally agreed to be good.


Wildcat was saying that other cultures also agree with sentiments like "do unto others as you would be done by" and that love of neighbour and not to murder are generally agreed on as being good. :)



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