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Regarding Biscuit Barrels


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That sounds like our house.Can you remember the jam tarts they sold I always thought they were vile,tasted like putty.But then after my mothers cooking every thing tasted worse because my mother was a great cook.


We couldn't afford jam tarts so mum always baked them, trouble is, nothing ever had time to cool in our house, it was eaten as soon as it came out of the oven.

Did your mum make a little "cake" out of the left-over pastry, we always used to scrap for that.

We usually had broken biscuits in our biscuit barrel, they were cheaper but, from Gowers & Burgons of course, don't go to t'"Stooers" it's cheeap!

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Very often, the wooden fruit bowl was one which one of the sons had made at school in woodwork class (only boys allowed then!).

Our biscuit barrel was chrome, very 1920's influenced in shape, it had a plastic insert so that you could wash it not that it had biscuits in very often as we were like gannets in our house.

Didn't it smell like the biscuit containers in Gowers & Burgons/Meadow/Co-op?

If you had visiters on a Sunday did you have tinned salmon followed by tinned fruit?


Duffems...did you used to live around hunters bar/sharrowvale road area when you were younger then? With you mentioning Gower & Burgins/Meadow?Coop....I can remember standing in the Meadow with my mom when I was little...and she asked for everything she needed over the counter...it was brilliant...back then..when you used to do a shop..you only ever bought the things you needed...none of this looking round supermarkets and throwing everything and anything in...!!! If you did live around that area..can you remember Sharps fruit shop at the side of Gower & Burgins...and also there used to be another fruit shop...just around the corner of Hickmott Road..going down towards where tesco is now...forgotten the ruddy name of it tho..bang on the corner of Hickmott and Eccy road it was..??? Think Olivers took it over...not sure...ruddy memory !!!.....Can you also remember the little Fletchers shop on the top end of Neil Rd..just below Boots chemist? We had our wedding cake made there...it was actually very nice...two tiers...lemon and white...all the trimmings...cost us £11.00..which was pretty expensive when we got married..LOL...can remember collecting the cake the night before the wedding and carrying it...yes carrying it..cos we didnt have a car then...right down to nether edge to the hotel where we had our wedding reception...and we didnt drop it...we were proud...God how sad werent we...oh blimey...good days....god I feel old now...:hihi:

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Hi poppypoppy- the fruit and veg. shop was Midgleys; maybe you can recall Edward Lee the butcher on Hickmott Rd., the chemist near the Co-op on Ecclesall Rd. and Shaws bakery at Hunters bar. I remember the chemist because 'us kids' used to buy Horlicks tablets, cinnamon sticks or liquorice root from there as sweets were on ration (until about '53 I think). Not many obese kids in those days! I bought my wife a coat from Elizabeths one time - so posh-I could only afford it because I'd won on the horses at Clarks which was on the corner of Neil Rd. Happy days!!

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Duffems...did you used to live around hunters bar/sharrowvale road area when you were younger then? With you mentioning Gower & Burgins/Meadow?Coop....I can remember standing in the Meadow with my mom when I was little...and she asked for everything she needed over the counter...it was brilliant...back then..when you used to do a shop..you only ever bought the things you needed...none of this looking round supermarkets and throwing everything and anything in...!!! If you did live around that area..can you remember Sharps fruit shop at the side of Gower & Burgins...and also there used to be another fruit shop...just around the corner of Hickmott Road..going down towards where tesco is now...forgotten the ruddy name of it tho..bang on the corner of Hickmott and Eccy road it was..??? Think Olivers took it over...not sure...ruddy memory !!!.....Can you also remember the little Fletchers shop on the top end of Neil Rd..just below Boots chemist? We had our wedding cake made there...it was actually very nice...two tiers...lemon and white...all the trimmings...cost us £11.00..which was pretty expensive when we got married..LOL...can remember collecting the cake the night before the wedding and carrying it...yes carrying it..cos we didnt have a car then...right down to nether edge to the hotel where we had our wedding reception...and we didnt drop it...we were proud...God how sad werent we...oh blimey...good days....god I feel old now...:hihi:


I lived Meersbrook/Heeley and the local Gowers & Burgons was on Heeley bottom. We used the top tier of our wedding cake for the Christening of our first child 2 years later! Something else which people don't do now, Christen their children.

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Still have the sideboard and the biscuit barrel. The biscuit barrel is on top of a kitchen cupboard now more for decoration. my Dad won it just after we got engaged in 1964. It is two tone wood with a chrome lid, and as he died in 1970 it is a keepsake to remind me of him and how happy I was when he gave it to me as it was the first item in my bottom drawer.

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Still have the sideboard and the biscuit barrel. The biscuit barrel is on top of a kitchen cupboard now more for decoration. my Dad won it just after we got engaged in 1964. It is two tone wood with a chrome lid, and as he died in 1970 it is a keepsake to remind me of him and how happy I was when he gave it to me as it was the first item in my bottom drawer.


"Bottom drawer" that's another thing that no-one has nowadays. The most unusual thing which someone had in their bottom drawer that I know of was a neighbour of ours who was born & bred Barnsley, she had a dozen terry nappies! Apparently, it was a tradition in their Barnsley family to have nappies in their bottom drawer, sad really as she never had children.

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My goodness!! The bottom drawer!!! Do brides to be have them now? Tea towels were always bought as `you can never have enough` lol. Some one mentioned the kitchen cabinet, there was always the optional tea caddy filled with loose tea attatched to one side of the cabinet with a little bit of glue and the tin opener at the side of it.


We had a biscuit barrel it had some kind horse decoration and if i remember small stirrups!!!! Lovely! think my mum still has it somewhere, we never had biscuits in ours as they were bought on the saturday (1 pound of broken biscuits from the market) and they were gone by sunday evening,

seem to remember mum taking out the whole ones and putting them away incase anyone came... Good times

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