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Yoga for Kids and Teens

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Hi there,


Yoga for kids & Teens


Yoga for kids aged between 3/4 to 11 years of age, Saturday, 10.00-11.30am. This class has been specifically designed for little’uns and the yoga is taught through a mixture of play, story telling and creative arts.


Yoga for teenagers aged between 11 to 18 years of age, Thursday, 4.45-5.45. This class has been designed specifically for teenagers to enable them to learn the skills to identify emotions and handle them well. This is achieved through a series of yoga postures, sequences, relaxation and breathing techniques.


For more information please contact Jo Bertzeletos, 07816 540 261, jo@yoganaturesheffield.org.uk, http://www.yoganaturesheffield.org.uk.

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Yoga is very beneficial for children, some of the benefits include:


  • increased body awareness;
  • improved breath awareness;
  • improves coordination and balance;
  • increases flexibility, strength & stamina;
  • improves general health.

These are just some of the benefits if you are interested in the latest research please have a look at my website: http://www.yoganaturesheffield.org.uk/yogabeings.htm. Here you will find a link to the research, you will also find how a school has implemented yoga & why Waybuloo has become so popular with the younger children.


Yes, I do think children need yoga, just as I believe everyone needs to do some form of exercise. All the research indicates that children are highly stressed, suffer from anxiety and eating disorders and are not as active as children of the past used to be. Yoga is one way of children being able to be more active, stretch their bodies, learn to do headstands and simple things like a rolly polly. From my experience the majority of children that I have taught do not even do handstands or cartwheels in the play ground any more. Through yoga they get to experience these things and use their bodies in many creative ways which leads to all the benefits outlined above.


I hope this helps.


Many thanks,



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  • 2 years later...

Hi Robin,


Many thanks for your support.


A few changes since my original post. I no longer teach the teenage class. I have also changed my website and you can see an amazing photo montage of some of the children I have taught over the years: http://www.yoganaturesheffield.org.uk/#/kids-schools-yoga/4552384756.


The Saturday morning kids class is still going strong. I have a few spaces on it. BTW it has moved to the beautiful Light Room in Hagglers Corner on Queens Road.


Last year I published my first children's yoga book called A Caterpillar Singing Loudly. It has been a great success and you can purchase a copy from me by following the details on my website; Amazon; Yoga Matters or some local shops in Sheffield - Waterstones, Orchard Square, Rhyme & Reason, Airy Fairy, The Rude Shipyard.


With metta,


Jo x


J Bertzeletos

Yoga Nature

Make Yoga Your Nature

07816 540 261


Please help spread the word for “A Caterpillar Singing Loudly” Yoga book by “liking” it on facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/A-Caterpillar-Singing-Loudly/270092463026361.

Visit the Yoga Nature Shop for books and gift vouchers… http://www.yoganaturesheffield.org.uk/#/shop/4552192362

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