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What's Dronfield Like For Nightlife?


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Originally posted by antics

HA what a joke... I don't know how you can consider even thinking of Dronfield for a night out.


I live here and even I don't go out to the crappy pubs or 'clubs'.


Thanks for that pearl of wisdom but maybe the jokes on you, you live there by choice I'm only moving there temporarily because of work!

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Hello all,

Here follows what I know about live music in Dronfield. Thursday nights you can usually find Russ Dennett and John the fox playing at the Hallowes or atTthe Swan. Sometimes with a full band, sometimes just acoustic guitars. They have guest singers get up to strut there stuff quite regularly and if you play yourself they don't mind you having a jam. It's a lways a fun night. Check it out.:clap:

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Guest NicolaE

You could just move to Sheffield you know, Chesterfield doesn't take that long to get to from the south side of the city, I live in Beauchief and it takes around 20mins in the car from here. That way you can have the best if both worlds- be close to work and live in a city thats quite good for gigs and music. The house prices around Woodseats and the top end of Greenhill are cheaper then a lot of Dronfield, and if you want to rent for a while I don't think theres a lot of difference between prices in Sheffield and Dronfield!

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Oh dear Daverity... When I read the title of this thread I had to laugh... Dronfield is a dire little town. Comparing the nightlife of Dronny to the nightlife of Liverpool is like comparing a sunday league team to Liverpool FC, so I think you're in for a bit of a culture shock.


And Chesterfield is seriously manky. :gag:


Have you thought about living in Sheffield? My friend works in Chesterfield and commutes from her Sheffield home every day, and she says it's much more preferable to actually living in Chessie, Coal Aston, Dronny or similar.


If you enjoy socialising and nights out then I think you'd be much happier doing that, and the house prices are cheaper too.


Good luck with the move, I'm sure you'll find some nice new friends wherever you end up. South Yorkshire is a very friendly place, and the people of North Derbyshire are a good bunch too.:D

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Originally posted by JBee

Oh dear Daverity... When I read the title of this thread I had to laugh... Dronfield is a dire little town. Comparing the nightlife of Dronny to the nightlife of Liverpool is like comparing a sunday league team to Liverpool FC, so I think you're in for a bit of a culture shock.



I dont think anybody on here has bragged about dronfields nightlife , yeah its nothing great its just your normal small town nightlife just pubs ect but i think your wrong to say its a dire little town , what do you base that on ???? It certainy aint rough , it certainly aint run down and it certainly aint full of townie scrubbers.


I catch the bus into sheffield to meet and greet people and a taxi back , theres nothing wrong with that.

Weve mentioned having a look at the south of the city but at the end of the day you'd still have to catch buses and taxis to go places

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Originally posted by Snakey_B

I dont think anybody on here has bragged about dronfields nightlife , yeah its nothing great its just your normal small town nightlife just pubs ect but i think your wrong to say its a dire little town , what do you base that on ???? It certainy aint rough , it certainly aint run down and it certainly aint full of townie scrubbers.


Sorry to offend Snakey... But you obviously enjoy living in Dronfield so who care's what I think eh? ;)


I grew up in Dronny so that what I've based my comments on. It was a lovely place to spend my formative years, but far too dull to waste any adult time on. I meant dire in terms of entertainment only though - as I said, the people of N Derbyshire are generally a nice bunch.


And I'm well aware that it "aint roungh... aint run down and aint full of townie scrubbers". But I thought we were supposed to be commenting on the nightlife, not neighbourhoods???

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Originally posted by Lickszz

There used to be the night club Climax but I think that might have closed. Other than that there are a few pubs scattered around. Some of them are ok.


its shut, it opened, it shut, it opened.


and it was horrible and skanky! theres plenty of pubs..but if you want anything a bit more lively then get to sheffield.



i lived in dronfield from ages 7-23 and its a nice place to live...but its prob a place you would more like to retire to then to party at. travel into sheffield its easier


oh and dont know if its changed but the thompson travel buses are the most friendly drivers EVER!! they even used to wake me up at my stop! class

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Originally posted by daverity

Thanks for that pearl of wisdom but maybe the jokes on you, you live there by choice I'm only moving there temporarily because of work!


A scouser thinks he's too good for Dronfield... classic.


My guess is you don't have many places in ****tip Liverpool as nice as Dronfield.

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Originally posted by antics

A scouser thinks he's too good for Dronfield... classic.


My guess is you don't have many places in ****tip Liverpool as nice as Dronfield.


As nice as Dronfield?? Only person who's slagging Dronfield, major style, I believe is you in this conversation. Read my post, I was slagging you, personally, looking at most of the posts, was looking forward to meeting people there.

If it's so bad put your house on the market and eh who knows a Scouser may buy it off you! Where you gonna go though......well 400k might buy you a 3 bed detached in Woolton or Sefton, Crosby, Southport,Hale Village,Aigburth etc etc etc:hihi:


TRY THIS If you are thinking of selling!

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