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As a country, why do we help our competitors?

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As i understand it, in a global market place, countries around the world still "compete" with one another - dont they?? :help:

So why then do we have legions of foreigners in our Universities educating themselves, and then taking their educated selves back to their homelands, or some other country, which then benifits from having skilled citizens educated by us, and competing ultimately, against us? :loopy:

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As i understand it, in a global market place, countries around the world still "compete" with one another - dont they?? :help:

So why then do we have legions of foreigners in our Universities educating themselves, and then taking their educated selves back to their homelands, or some other country, which then benifits from having skilled citizens educated by us, and competing ultimately, against us? :loopy:


My Stiggy senses are tingling.. I see a feyt coming on..

Where are the usual suspects then ??

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As i understand it, in a global market place, countries around the world still "compete" with one another - dont they?? :help:

So why then do we have legions of foreigners in our Universities educating themselves, and then taking their educated selves back to their homelands, or some other country, which then benifits from having skilled citizens educated by us, and competing ultimately, against us? :loopy:


The same reason why 5.4 million Brits choose to live abroad legally, which is more than any other country.

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As i understand it, in a global market place, countries around the world still "compete" with one another - dont they?? :help:

So why then do we have legions of foreigners in our Universities educating themselves, and then taking their educated selves back to their homelands, or some other country, which then benifits from having skilled citizens educated by us, and competing ultimately, against us? :loopy:


Because they pay us handsomely for the privilege. Overseas students pay huge fees as well as contributing loads to the local economy. I imagine that Sheffield University would have to scale back its operations massively if overseas students were banned.


A side benefit is the fact that it irritates little Englanders.

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As i understand it, in a global market place, countries around the world still "compete" with one another - dont they?? :help:

So why then do we have legions of foreigners in our Universities educating themselves, and then taking their educated selves back to their homelands, or some other country, which then benifits from having skilled citizens educated by us, and competing ultimately, against us? :loopy:


It's less countries competing and more multi-national enterprise, who lobby governments to keep the gates open (not saying it's good or bad). Universities are now run like businesses, and many have adopted supra-national status. They certainly don't see being limited by some abstract boundary called "the nation state" as beneficial to their prosperity.


You highlight a key antithesis in modern society - people who want to inwardly preserve the productive capacity of the nation, and entities that want their trade/services to be open to people as far and wide as possible.

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We taught foreigners how to make steel.....now they make it cheaper than us.

We taught foreigners how to engineer....now they engineer cheaper than us.

We taught foreigners how to manufacture many many things...now they manufacture many many things cheaper than us

It was always our politicians that we trusted who made the choices. Obviously they made the right ones that is why England is in such a strong economic position today!:roll:

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Some very narrow minded responses in this thread. Foreign students have to pay 3x more fees than UK students + pay for there own accomodation. So thats 12k per year + living expenses... Also, once they graduate most of them stay in this country any way and are valuable members of society. Most brain surgens/doctors/lecturers/dentists and other skilled proffesions are mostly people from other counties.

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