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Has anyone eaten at Viva Latino?


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Guest NicolaE

Yeah, its great, the staff are really friendly! My mum goes in there with work once a month, and me and my boyfriend went in the day England got kicked out of the world cup or euro thing or whatever it was. We were the only ones in there, the food was great and they let us sit in the kitchen with them to watch the penalties! My meal was huge and I couldn't eat it so they offered me a doggy bag AND gave us a discount bless em! It's really nice but it may not be around for much longer so go while you have the chance!

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Guest NicolaE

I've heard that it's turning into yet another Chinese but how true this is I don't know. My mum works quite close to it and her collegues son used to be a waiter there so they hear some of the gossip! If it closes it'll be a shame, its really nice!

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