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Mecca Bingo On Parkway


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I was wondering if anyone with some knowledge of this place could help me out please?


I'm wondering how much it normally costs per person for usual night out at Mecca bingo? (possibly tonight, Saturday). Also can you just walk in and play? or do you have to be there for a certain time before a group of games actually start ?



Thanks in advance,



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When I went a few years ago you had to be a member or a guest. It may have changed since. Seem to remember it wasn't very expensive.

Not been again - despite all the laughs and fun shown in the ads, we were made to feel very unwelcome if our voices raised above even the slightest whisper (despite deliberately sitting as far away from everyone as we could). Was a pity, I quite enjoyed it apart from the aggro from "regulars". Again, it may have changed since my visit.

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