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Christians,old Beauchief Hotel.


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Christian's Restaurant has just opened at The Beauchief and the food is amazing. They have a special valentines menu £70 per couple. Christian used to work at Claridges in London then opened The Blue Rooms at Woodseats. The restaurant has been refirbished and its a really glamourous place to go.



We went to Christian's Restaurant at the Beauchief on Sunday and the food was amazing. Its all been refirbished and is definitely an elegant family place to go. The chef and owner used to work at Claridge's in London and the restaurant really has the same feel.

Last orders are at 5pm so you have all afternoon to eat. I would reccommend the roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, the best beef i've ever tasted. Main courses range from £8-£13


Christian's Restaurant at The Beauchief has a great bar and also private dining rooms which hold from 20 - 50 people. The decor is very glamourous and the food is great.



I think Christian's will be very successful. You've got to give it a chance. Its only been open for 3 weeks. I went last week and the food and service was first class. The restaurant was really full with a great atmosphere. Theres nothing like it in Sheffield. The new restaurant manager is ex Harvey Nics so im sure the service will improve


It seems strange that because I have had a good experience at a new restaurant, people think I work there!!

I'm new to this site but im sure the idea is to write positve comments as well as the negative ones.



For someone who has dined there once you know a lot about the place! I have been going to Whitley Hall for over 40 years and have no idea where the chef is from, nor the manager come to think of it. never mind what the function rooms are like and how much dinner for 2 is on Valentines Day.


Perhaps you could have made it less obvious by making other postings or as I would prefer don't pretend to be what you aren't! Just call yourself Chrsitian's and self promote instead of making out you are a genuine customer. :loopy::loopy::loopy:

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For someone who has dined there once you know a lot about the place! I have been going to Whitley Hall for over 40 years and have no idea where the chef is from, nor the manager come to think of it. never mind what the function rooms are like and how much dinner for 2 is on Valentines Day.


Perhaps you could have made it less obvious by making other postings or as I would prefer don't pretend to be what you aren't! Just call yourself Chrsitian's and self promote instead of making out you are a genuine customer. :loopy::loopy::loopy:


That is a minor work of genius :)


Its a shame that Glamour Chic couldn't have at least had the wit to post at least something about another topic to add to their "subterfuge". Such an unimaginative attempt hardly inspires faith.....

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Personally I'll be ignoring all the numpties on here who see fit to attempt to ruin the reputation of this venture before it's even got off the ground.


Had a bad experience at a brand new place? Why don't you show some class and talk to the staff, or perhaps just put it down to experience. It seems quite purile to post chapter and verse on a public forum about it.


What are you trying to achieve? Maybe you'd like to influence others so that no one eats here and it goes to the wall? Well aren't you the clever one.


Personally I want to live in a city with a thriving cafe and restaurant scene. Yeah, perhaps not all will be of the standard of Le Vacherin or the Glasshouse (West London darling), but enough places to make living here interesting.


I've got faith that Christian's will be a reasonable place to eat and hopefully I'll be able to add it to Moran's as a south-west Sheffield favourite.


I look forward to trying it soon and would encourage others - especially those who think for themselves - to do likewise.


p.s. right on, GlamourChic

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Personally I want to live in a city with a thriving cafe and restaurant scene. Yeah, perhaps not all will be of the standard of Le Vacherin or the Glasshouse (West London darling), but enough places to make living here interesting. :gag:


I too like to encourage people to think for themselves, that is why I object Glamour Chic's posts.


PS And I too would rather hear a review from skinner that the likes of you who feels he needs to tell me with the pretension of an 'it girl' where a restaurant is - darling!

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I too like to encourage people to think for themselves, that is why I object Glamour Chic's posts.


This ain't about GlamourChic, it's about Christian's. If you've nothing more of any import to say on the subject, may I politely suggest that you take your anhydranencephalic name-calling to another forum or thread.



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This ain't about GlamourChic, it's about Christian's. If you've nothing more of any import to say on the subject, may I politely suggest that you take your anhydranencephalic name-calling to another forum or thread.




I look forward to your review E-Man Groovin, I just hope you use language we can all understand as I have not tried to import anything on this subject.


Thank you

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This ain't about GlamourChic, it's about Christian's. If you've nothing more of any import to say on the subject, may I politely suggest that you take your anhydranencephalic name-calling to another forum or thread.




So you think a member of staff masquerading as a customer has nothing to do with people's opinion of the place? I feel it's bang on topic, personally. If the place is any good then great, I wish it every success - Sheffield needs more decent, individual places. But based on earlier reviews, and Glamour Chic's gushing, I'll wait and see how it beds in before I pay it a visit.


Link - http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/anhydranencephalic, for those of you confused by E-Man Groovin's advanced vocab...

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