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Christians,old Beauchief Hotel.


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I'm still confused Dog.... lol


ANENCEPHALIC means brainless. I'm not sure what the 'anhydr' prefix is, he's either made that up (can't find any real results on google), or means anhydro anenephalic, but again, no google results for that phrase & it doesn't appear to make sense (although I'm not a doctor specialising in serious birth defects).

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Sorry guys - I feel as if I have to post here too and yes, I’m pretty new to all this posting lark but have joined simply to advertise for extra staff and now to put my side across.


I actually DO work at Christians - thank you to all those who have posted (employees - I hope not!) regarding the restaurant or maybe perhaps Christian himself has a stalker?? :love: Thinking on… he did get two birthday presents from mysterious women (allegedly) ….. (I personally think it was the chefs!) :hihi:


Even I admit they look like ads for the place.... but the food really is just excellent and has never been under question, only the service occasionally has not been to the standard we intend on giving. Anyone who had a meal in Christians ‘Blue Room Brasserie’ will know his culinary skills but Christians Restaurant is more towards the standards of Claridges in London where a very young Chris worked his way to the top.


Some of you might not probably know the restaurant manager we had in place to run Christians, tragically lost his young daughter as our doors opened and was subsequently unable to work. Eventually and sadly he felt unable to rejoin our team. Our thoughts and condolences are with him and his family.


So the issues have been some of our staff have perhaps not had the training that was required due to circumstance but we now we have a permanent team in place here. I have also come back to work for Christian as I genuinely admire his skill (why else would you put up with deranged chefs!?) Staff are now constantly trained, our levels of service are excellent and I would happily challenge anyone to visit Christians and not have a perfect evening. If anyone wishes to contact me regarding any evening here please feel free to get in touch!


I worked all Valentines weekend and it REALLY was excellent. I spent two sleepless nights before Friday arrived, stressing over table plans, linen, organisation, furniture removal, cutlery, staff and even music selection for three long days and nights and in the space of just 24 hrs we had served over 300 customers with a stunning meal. I genuinely wanted every person who walked in that door to have a fantastic experience........ The only complaint I heard of was a grumble from a customer that his booking wasn’t in our list for the evening and we always do our best to find a table when it’s possible even if a slight wait is required.


And now, as I’ve admitted I AM an employee, I would like to say our next venture will be to close the downstairs bar (plans are almost finalised) and completely over haul and give it the beauty inside and out the building deserves - so desperately needed since the days and great times of Michel !! (Showing my age now...)


Advert over….. :D


Thanks for reading (sorry for the waffle) and please get in touch if you have any issues to discuss. We welcome all feed back good AND bad!


So if the bar downstairs is closed what will be in it's place? is that not the bar used for the function room? and is the function room being refurbed?

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  • 3 weeks later...

The work in Christians Bar downstairs is now complete and the area has been stylishly updated and renovated.... The Chantry Suite next door has also been redecorated with the owners removing the bricks to create more light and reinstating the third patio door which opens onto the private terrace by the river.


There is also much more seating out on the grassed area. Now the weather is getting warmer, a couple of impromptu bbq's have been held on the odd warm sunny weekend as the sun catches the sheltered seating area all afternoon - look out for a chalk board near to the traffic lights!


When I called down one particular day - I think the food was free if you were buying a drink....not bad if you fancy a lazy afternoon and some outdoor food ;)


Hope that helps :D

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  • 2 months later...

I went to Christians with my partner for a quiet meal for two on Saturday night (we are in our mid-fifties), although the bar sevice was a bit slow the place itself was perfect, it was clean and stylish with welcoming staff. I had delayed the visit due to early mixed reviews and this proved to be the right decision. The 'Head waiter' (Tunisian) was an absolute gentleman being very courteous and professional, the others were also very polite and eager to please. When the food was served the young waitress used white gloves which not only saved her burning her hands but added to the sense of quality. The food was also very tasty and well presented, I wouldn't have any cause for criticism, although not the cheapest it was a quality night. Maybe the apprehension of early reviews helped to pleasantly suprise us, it was an experience we will repeat and invite others to join us. Ps I am not related to the owners?, work there, know anyone who works there etc etc...............just happy to pass on a good review.

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  • 2 months later...

We had a very disappointing meal there on Saturday, great service but we had to return three different dishes.

Will be a while before we return, shame as we were looking forward to it and the restaurant looks beautiful (shame about the wedding disco coming through the floor).

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We had a very disappointing meal there on Saturday, great service but we had to return three different dishes.Will be a while before we return, shame as we were looking forward to it and the restaurant looks beautiful (shame about the wedding disco coming through the floor).
Why? Anything you can share as to your reasons? I'm just being nosey.
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We had a very disappointing meal there on Saturday, great service but we had to return three different dishes.

Will be a while before we return, shame as we were looking forward to it and the restaurant looks beautiful (shame about the wedding disco coming through the floor).


The wedding disco coming through the floor?? please expand on this. Also I beleive Christian is away at the moment, that may have something to do with it perhaps - the disappointing meal not the floor.

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We ordered Chateuabriand (£50 for 2 people) rare - it was medium to well done, so it went back, the next one was not only totally uncooked in the middle but tasted off, not one of us could even swallow it, so that had to go back too.

My partners dessert was pineapple with coconut ice cream but it came with vanilla - it went back and was duly delivered with the proper one - ordinarily we'd probably have let that go but were losing patience a little by that point, also the trio of choc desserts - one was in a shot glass - looked lovely but not actually possible to eat it with the dessert spoon that was delivered with it!!

We could feel the reverberation through the floor and hear the disco from below, there was no music in the part of the restaurant that we were in although apparently there was music in the other side.


As I say, a real shame as the look of the restaurant, tables etc were lovely and we had high hopes.

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