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How To Write A Novel And Get It Published - 1-Day Course


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This Spring in Sheffield, I'm going to be leading another of my occasional 1-day courses in writing a novel and getting it published.


I have sixteen years of experience and you can check me out on http://www.danielblythe.com - I'm the author of ten books and have worked with several different publishers, and I'm represented by a leading London literary agent. I've written commercial fiction, literary fiction and non-fiction, and my last book Doctor Who:Autonomy was a No.1 bestseller.


The course will include sections on openings, characterisation, dialogue, structure, voice, plot development and endings, as well as up-to-the-minute pointers on the role of editors and agents and clear tips on how they like to be approached - plus pointers on what they don't want to see!


It's not a writing workshop and you won't be expected to bring any writing along to read out - there are exercises which involve some writing but we won't be looking to produce finished pieces of prose.


The cost for the day will be £70, and this will include all tuition, an information pack, refreshments and a buffet lunch. I will also answer participants' follow-up queries by email (although I cannot read full manuscripts at the moment).


The likely day is Saturday 17th April, from 10am-4pm, at a central Sheffield venue to be confirmed. At the moment I have about 10 people interested, and I'm happy to take another 8-9. Please let me know on danielblythe@blueyonder.co.uk if you are interested.

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