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Kevin where are you now


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Is you're name Kevin and were you born around 1952 in Sheffield? did you have a holiday in Bridlington in the summer of 1961, maybe staying in North st. maybe with relatives as I don't think your parents were there but I might be wrong.

My name is also Kevin I was on holiday with my sister Melinda her friend Moya and my parents, I don't remember much about the holiday but have a photo of us on the prom.

If you read this get in touch and I'll email you the photo. I know its a longshot but its only 49 years ago. Kev.

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Hello Kev,

Just been reading your message on ex pats forum.......I think it could be me,I was born 1953, I stayed on North Street Bridlington, and eventually lived there for over a year,as my Mum 'bought" the "boarding house"..........over to you....

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hi owlinaus, just tried to send you a PM dont know if its been sent? if you send me your email address in a PM I will try to send you the photo, it would help if I knew what I was doing, lol.


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