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Paper Aeroplanes and Gergia Ruth Williams Boardwalk tues16th Feb


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Tuesday 16th February

Paper Aeroplanes are a boy and a girl hailing from the rainiest extremes of Wales, this contemporary-folk duo puppeteer the emotions of audiences with their wistful musical tales. Sarah’s gorgeous voice and bewitching stage presence creates a tranquil atmosphere only broken by the heartfelt intensity of her lyrics.


“Truly, you could streak the sky with this album's melodies & people would stand, necks craned, mouths agape, gasping at the beauty of it all” – BBC Wales


Geogia Ruth Willaims has the name of a Southern Belle, but a haunting voice more deeply rooted in her native West Wales, Georgia Ruth delivers a new blend of soul, folk - and harp.


Memories of childhood journeys in campervans through Portugal, with Paul Simon, Joan Baez and Bach cassettes on loop, provide the backdrop to the 21 year olds musical influences. Her bewitching harp sound owes as much to the finger-picking style of the 60s folk guitarists as it does to the rigorous classical training she underwent from a very young age.


Three years spent juggling an English literature degree at Cambridge with her song writing fuelled a passion for words. At times emotionally raw, at others witty and deadpan, her lyrics deal (mostly) with love and loss. Seaside town living – its ups and downs - provides a constant undercurrent; the tide shifts and rushes beneath the music along with a sense of melancholy which has at its heart the realisation that sadness can be uplifting. The catchy melodies feel like ones that you have always known:


“beautiful love-lorn tunes” [Huw Stephens, Radio 1]


“Such excellent tune age” [Adam Walton, BBC Radio Wales]


Also supporting White Horizons + Chasing Arizona

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