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Club nights in sheffield


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Originally posted by Drut

Noggins at stars on queens road


NOggins v's Riff-Raff v's Planet Zogg gonna be a goody


I'm sure Noggin's will be a great night but its not a Zogg verses - just Dil playing - who's always worth catching - as is Glowbones from Riffraff!


(Zogg has done actual "verses" nights in the past with Riffraff, Technosis, Ripsnorter, Headcharge and a couple of free parties with the NTA if I remember correctly...)



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(Zogg has done actual "verses" nights in the past with Riffraff, Technosis, Ripsnorter, Headcharge and a couple of free parties with the NTA if I remember correctly...)


You remember correctly mate dunno how like:rolleyes:


But pop down to noggins, you will not get stabbed:)

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Originally posted by simpleton

You remember correctly mate dunno how like:rolleyes:



I design all the flyers - so every Zogg line up in indelibly stamped in my brain after hours of staring at it on Photoshop when trying to put the flyers together!

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