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Sheffield meals of days gone by


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I'm 24 and I grew up on meat and potato pies,ash and dumplings,brisket roasts proper yorkshire puddings and seasoned puddings as we call them (sage and onion puds) bread and butter pudding,jam roly poly, haslet, I cook these myself now for me and my 14 month old daughter, corned beef ash and home made spaghetti (my grandads recipe) too. I can't understand why more people don't cook from scratch these days tastes sooo much better that processed food and i find its cheaper than buying processed food for every meal my little girl loves homemade food theres no veg or fruit she doesnt like. I love making home-made dumplings too the packet stuff is rubbish.

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  • 1 year later...
My mum used to make me eat bloody baked beans and mashed potatoes and I hated them ! Still do BIG STYLE ! She once threw them over my head when I wouldnt eat them then had to put me in bath after !


:hihi: Thats funny..also how did you manage to have hot water for a bath that fast, we had to wait for hours for it to heat up, you much have been posh :hihi:

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:hihi: Thats funny..also how did you manage to have hot water for a bath that fast, we had to wait for hours for it to heat up, you much have been posh :hihi:


Very posh to be able to waste food like that,if i didn't eat what was put in front i either gorra clip, or it put in front again next day....

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Very posh to be able to waste food like that,if i didn't eat what was put in front i either gorra clip, or it put in front again next day....


My Mom never made us do that, she was English, not German :hihi:

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:hihi: Thats funny..also how did you manage to have hot water for a bath that fast, we had to wait for hours for it to heat up, you much have been posh :hihi:


They weren't that posh had to wait until end of week for bath


All friends though had a tan from tomato juice



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OMG Im laughing so much at this ! I knew I would open up a can of worms when I started this-ER no pun intended. I dont have a clue why she insisted on giving it me all the bloody time ! I even had my own little pink dish she used to put the damn stuff in ! It was that dish she plonked on my head ! She was so frustrated with me WHEN I WOULDNT BLOODY EAT IT !!!!!!

It drove me nuts ! I love my mum and no shes not German,but it felt like it at times.We always had hot water ! Do u know I cant even bear to serve out patients meals when theres beans and mash on ! Poor patients.If I had to feed one I had to put them separatley on plate and do it that way! DAMAGED I AM----FOR LIFE ! Oh by the way Mum calls me Bette Davis ,Joan Crawford,and Grandma called me Sarah Bernhart ! MMMM wonder why ! Any ideas out there !!!!!

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