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Sheffield meals of days gone by


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Bread and dripping,tripe,cow heal,oatcakes and picklets,rabbit stew,there are loads.

We always had a roast on sunday dinner and salad with sliced brisket for tea and tinned fruit with some tinned cream that you had to shake to thicken.

On monday cold meat and the leftovers from sunday made into bubble and squeak,Tuesday was stew and yorkshire pudding Wednesday was warmed up stew with chips, Thursday was meat pie and veg,Friday fish from Manns fish shop, Saterday was fish and chips for dinner then of to football back home to a fryup.

Looking at that lot I now know why I have heart failure:hihi:

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1930s, forties fifties. i think the war altered this but she went back to the same meals after.



My Mom used to put Cow heel in stew.

Pigs trotters were a rare treat and haslet and udder were also on the menu.

My exhusbands Mother used to cook a head off an animal not sure which one though.

Must say though I never touched any of it.


The haslet wasn't to bad.




The head your mother in law used to cook was probably a sheeps head. My mother used to do it in a large tureen with loads of root veg, we had it in a basin with bread to soak up the gravy, the brains were delicious, I'm getting hungry now. We also had udder, lovely creamy taste, well it would be, wouldn't it:?: Stuffed sheeps hearts they were good too, cooked in the oven in a roasting tin the hearts were covered in home made sage and onion stuffing.

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My dad used to boil cow heal and shin beef till it fell to pieces drain it and put the meat into a bowl,put a plate on top with weights on to press it, next day it came out like a meat jelly,it looked and tasted like potted meat.

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My dad used to boil cow heal and shin beef till it fell to pieces drain it and put the meat into a bowl,put a plate on top with weights on to press it, next day it came out like a meat jelly,it looked and tasted like potted meat.


My Mam used cow heal in meat and tatty pie, the gravy used to set like jelly, but it gave the pie a great flavour, can you still buy it I wonder.

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My Mam used cow heal in meat and tatty pie, the gravy used to set like jelly, but it gave the pie a great flavour, can you still buy it I wonder.


I bet you could sliced it have made gravy sandwiches:hihi:

You can buy it at old fashioned butchers.

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I bet you could sliced it have made gravy sandwiches:hihi:

You can buy it at old fashioned butchers.


:hihi: Yes, I bet you could. I used to warm it up and have it with any left over pie for my supper, they were good days, the youngsters don't know what they're missing.

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Breast of lamb rolled and stuffed with sage and onion stuffing was cooked at the sametime as the sunday joint and used for packing up in the week.

butchers used to throw the breast of lamb in with your meat shopping years ago but it costs a fortune now.

Beasts cheek (cows) used to be popular but i think it goes for pie meat now.

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:hihi: Yes, I bet you could. I used to warm it up and have it with any left over pie for my supper, they were good days, the youngsters don't know what they're missing.


What would they say if you served them a thick slice of bread covered in drippin.

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Breast of lamb rolled and stuffed with sage and onion stuffing was cooked at the sametime as the sunday joint and used for packing up in the week.

butchers used to throw the breast of lamb in with your meat shopping years ago but it costs a fortune now.

Beasts cheek (cows) used to be popular but i think it goes for pie meat now.


I'd forgetten about those, we used to have breast of lamb stew and beast cheek done the same.


What would they say if you served them a thick slice of bread covered in drippin.


They'd probably look like this :gag::hihi:

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looking back food was plain but varied from day to day and we were fitter and leaner.

Bacon didn't bubble in the pan because it was dry cured, meat in general was better it was hung to mature and it tenderised on the hook.There wasn't much choice with veg but it was good wholesome food and fast food was a two minute egg.

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