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Sheffield meals of days gone by


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Just what I need to get rid of this head cold. A plate sized portion of my grandad's Yorkshire Pud covered in gravy served as an appetizer before the Roast Beef and roast potatoes hit the table. Followed by my mum's wonderful jam sponge and custard. If I'm still sniffling my mid week, a helping of my grandma's meat & potato pie with thick crust and it goes without saying, lots of HP sauce. Beginning to feel better already just thinking about it.

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My Nan lived with us when I was growing up, she made the most strange concoctions:hihi: Tripe and onions was lovely, but couldn't touch the brawn, chaps and cow heel :gag: Once she braised some tongues, and slapped one on my plate :gag: She used to buy chitterlings and bag from the market, and we ate it with loads of salt and vinegar Mmmmmm.


As an aside, I wonder how many people have yorkie puds as a starter with gravy? We did when I was young, but when I make them I serve them with the rest of the meal.

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As an aside, I wonder how many people have yorkie puds as a starter with gravy? We did when I was young, but when I make them I serve them with the rest of the meal.


We always had y/pud with gravy as a starter when i was growing up,but really this is when meat was considered expensive (as now)and out of reach of a lot of people,so a large helping of yorkshire was given to fill you up so by the time you reached the meat the size of cut didn't matter....because you were usually full!!!!........how many were told to leave the best bit....meat...while last?????.........Nowadays at times,for an evening meal,we still have a large y/onion pud about an inch thick with stewmeat and gravy in a bowl to put on as you want......with Hendersons of course........luvly grub......:)

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We used to have Yorkshire pudding with gravy as a starter, But we also had what we called Season Pudding which was Yorkshire pudding mix with sage and diced onion, it didn't rise it went stodgy but ooooo it were nice. We still have it when we visit my sister in woodhouse. JP

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