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The Sheffield gay scene part 2


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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't forget this is on today folks ...




Viper rooms, then OMG and ending in dempseys


Its ticketed but there are drinks concessions - Dempseys offers seem more generous than the Viper room on draft beer and entrance cost is included !


Good to see Dempseys doing so much this year to support ! :-)

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Don't forget this is on today folks ...


This perhaps explains why OMG was very quiet last night :/


OK let's updater things do any gay venus do gay dating nights?


Every night is gay dating night on the scene! But seriously, just get yourself out on a Saturday and see who catches your eye. Say hello. Grindr can be good sometimes, other times it can be just people listing an impossible shopping list of what they want in a guy. Thought it was just women that did that.


But it can be good if you want to say hi and you feel a bit nervous about going up to them. Shots help with that fear though.

Edited by avalunche
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The blue ball at hillsborough used be a lesbian and gay friendly bar last year. I seem to think it got shut down by the police because two of the bar maids had an argument and it came to blows. The landlady was called Mel, I think.

Edited by Cruiseonby
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, folks,

Just to add some info to help bump up the ol' Sheffield Gay Thread here.


I am so glad that OMG, following its busy opening week last year has prevailed and succeeded in becoming a popular gay venue to add to the existing stalwart Dempseys, and that they have had lots of special nights such as the recent Army Theme Night and a forthcoming School Disco on the end of May BH Weekend. Oh, and there's a '£1000 Cash Drop' on Friday 13th May(!), so I'll be there for sure, lol.


Don't forget IDAHOBIT (International Day against Homophobia etc.) is coming up early next week (Check Facebook) and also Sheffield Pride will be happening in a month or so as well.

Most Importantly, we would love to see lots more of you local LGBT's visiting the LGBT Sheffield Weekly Pop-Up Cafe every Tuesday at the Union Street Works (On the corner of Union Street and Charles St. in the city centre opposite Howden House and the Post Office); open 10 am to 4.30pm, for coffee, tea, cakes and chat as well as LOTS of advice and a growing LGBT library of magazines and info literature.


Finally for now, keeping up to date with interesting radio programmes, I would strongly recommend this week's Writing The Century daily episode on BBC Radio 4; its a feature by the legendary Drag Artiste Chris Green/Tina C about coming out as gay in the 80s and 90's. Click on http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b079n7mw to listen to it on the I Player. :love:

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Hi Tyranna, yes its good to see that the gay scene in Sheffield is trying to keep healthy and diverse by the fact that OMG seems to be still popular and going from strength to strength and that cafe in Union Street (which alas I have yet to frequent) is going strong and popular. I would especially like ot make an important comment about the latter, in that it gives LGBT people a venue that is an alcohol free environment to socialise and make new connections. Such a lot of the gay scene revolves around alcohol , and it is a well known fact that gays - and lesbians too - have higher drink problems than the average hetero community, but of course gay venues cynically chase the "pink pound" all the time with new offers , regardless ... :-(


I forgot a plug for Dempseys since yesterday night they were having a Clairvoyant night - I didn't go myself and I am not sure how it went - did anyone go ? Now on the subject of same said club , I notice that they dont seem to be advertising things like that or be on top of their marketing , for example they haven't advertised that event on this thread and from what I can see their Facebook group hasn't ran it either, not been updated since April. I only learnt of the event it since the Clairvoyant themselves posted it on facebook :-( I have also noticed a pronounced drop off in trade at this venue recently - I am not sure if its liked to the general economical condition or lack of events, offers or just plain jaded-ness that its been going so long on the scene. I have even heard a rumour of amended opening hours during the daytime , this is not a good sign if the regular daytime mixed trade is also down :-( I do wish it well and don't want to be a doomsayer but it sounds like it needs an injection of je ne say quois !!

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Iv been in Dempsey's during the day odd times after meals have fnished it goes quite. I think most pubs both gay or straight don't do that much trade in the day mid week seems to be very quite hence why some don't bother to open in the day only at night.

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that cafe in Union Street (which alas I have yet to frequent) is going strong and popular.


That cafe is only open one day a week, midweek at that, and only during daytime/office hours. So, no use at all to most working people.


I wouldn't call that "strong and popular".

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True what you say about opening hours changing at some places. One Saturday afternoon not long ago, I went down to Dempseys but found it shut. Does it open later on Saturdays now, or was that probably just due to football on one particular day?


Now, for updates on various important forthcoming events:


Next Tuesday, 17th May is IDAHOBIT (International Day Against Homophobia etc).

Everybody is welcome to gather in the Union Street Pop Up Cafe beforehand, but the ceremony itself starts at a quarter to five in THE PEACE GARDENS. Bring whistles, flags, and all the normal colourful, noisy things!


On Saturday July 16th, also at Peace Gardens, will be PINKNIC with stalls, entertainment, speakers, etc. Start 11am, finish 7pm. See https://www.facebook.com/Sheffield-Pinknic-281501705349185/?fref=ts for details.


Also, most importantly, on Saturday 30th July, will be 'PRIDE SHEFFIELD' with LOADS of entertainment, stalls, and gay things going on, starting at 12 noon; you will all doubtless pleased to know that it will be once more in ENDCLIFFE PARK; I know its a little way outside the city centre for some, but it has always been a great venue for previous prides and has enough space for as many activities and stalls going on as possible, unlike the rather cramped site at Devonshire Green. See: https://www.facebook.com/events/1700475913527536/ for details and updates as they happen.


Finally, the next Climax is, unusually, on FRIDAY 3RD JUNE (Yes, it seems to skip the whole of May) but it should be as great as ever; theme is 90's hits. See: https://www.facebook.com/ClimaxSheff/?fref=ts for details.

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