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Hammerton county and waltheof School

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Hammerton County or Waltheof school Hey anyone around from either of these schools i was born in 1956 and lived on selbourne st off staniforth road. I would love to find my old friend Linda Smith was last seen in the Chapeltown area at asda many years ago. my maiden name was Hill do you remember Miss bancroft ? Miss sarson known as Vinegar ***s

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I went to Walthoef but a bit after you. I left in 1976. Have 2 brothers that went there before me one left 74ish the other 72ish. I well remember Miss Sarson and her saying of "You are all my girls" Don't think the girls thought that way. Also remember Pop, Marshall,Edwards, Battey,Battersby, Rawson and Miss Milner. Can't think of any more at the moment. I must say that most of the time was enjoyable but not the best days of my life.

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  • 5 months later...

Good grief those names bring back memories!


I left Walthoef in 1979/80. Mr. Rawson and Mr. Tunnard were my favourite teachers - they were so cool! :headbang:


Some of the teachers I remember; Mr. Robinson (aka. Peanut :hihi: ), Mr. Morgan *a good reason to hate music class*, Mr. Pratt, Mr. Millichamp, Mr. Tiffen, Mr. Griffiths, Mr. Evans, Mr. Mellor, Mr. Booth, Mr. Keddy, Miss Lewis, Mr. Ellis (loved him too!), Miss. Beckett, Miss. Atkinson ... and Miss Graney who just seemed to despise me *shrugs* ... and oh how I hated those darn showers!!! :suspect:


Do you remember the bus trips to the Annex? My first day there I was told the place was haunted by a girl who was climbing on the coat benches, slipped and ended up with a coak hook through her neck ... always expected to bump into her someday, scared me to death! Lol!! Anyone know if the Annex is still standing?



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  • 2 weeks later...

If the school is on Hammerton Road, just off Staniforth Road, I was in the Infants there when ‘nit nurses’ were the norm! It’s way back in time so I can’t really remember anything except a large rocking horse which none of the children were allowed to ride on. Didn’t see much point in having it if you couldn’t ride on it! I started there in 1934, aged five, and left in 1935 when we moved from Nidd Road to Ecclesall.

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I left waltheof in 1978 and remember all the teachers named. probably my favourite teacher was miss grainy i think her name was. She had us for english sometimes and did the games with the girls, god was she fit???.Also remember going down the annex on darnall for metal work and woodwork but what sticks in my mind most was the dinners down there.They always seemed a bit rank and we had those terrible steel jugs on the table full of warm water??.;) ;)

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  • 5 years later...

I went to Hammerton County School in 1953 and also remember Miss Bancroft, Miss Sarsons and Mrs Pearce. I used to go to Mrs Pearce's house ( bottom of Prince of Wales Road) with my mum who used to clean for her. I also went to Whitby Road School and was taught English, at nightschool, by Mr Edwards. Mr Edwards also taught my father and my husband in the boys part of the school during the day. When I was there the boys were upstairs and the girls were downstairs and there were separate playgrounds for the boys and girls. If the boys were naughty they got the cane and the girls got the slipper!! I remember girls Vivienne Street, Marjorie Simpson and Trevor Ellis. I left Whitby Road School for 6 moths and went to Loughborough because my dad was working on the ground work for the college there and when we came back I couldn't go to Whitby Road School as I had attended a Catholic School in Loughborough ( it was the nearest school to the site where my dad was working) so off they sent me to St. Peters Catholic Secondary school until I left to start work. I lived on Garth Road then Staniforth Road when I married. I am now retired to the East Coast.

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I also went to Hammerton from 1954 and remember Miss Bancroft I was petrified of her,she tried to stop me writting with my left hand.My desk was in front of hers.Went to Walthoef from there.I lived on Nidd rd

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I went to Waltheof School and i left in 1979, i also went to Woodbourn Road School before that. I used to live on Ripon street, happy days:)

We have just had a reunion for anyone who attended either School and are having another one near to christmas so if anyone wants to come you are more than welcome.

All the names of teachers mentioned really bring back memories and we have a website for Woodbourn/Waltheof Schools on Facebook for anyone on here who wants to comment about your memories or to look up old friends.

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