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What business would you start?

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I am in the process of setting up a online-only record label. Taking small payments of 50p for exclusively signed independent tracks. The music industry, as is, is struggling. Small labels more than most. People need an outlet and they need somebody to promote their tracks. Lot's of great music never gets signed, and there are lots of bands making absolutely nothing.


But all i have ever wanted to do is have a small bar and restaurant on a beach, somewhere warm... maybe grow olives and grapes as well :)

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The business i would like to start up [and maybe i just might v.soon] is marketing some indigenous sweets/foods from the Caribbean [read Trinidad and Tobago] to the masses.

I am actually thinking of doing something for Valentine's Day..sweet boxes with a difference.

PLUS seeing that i am so articulate [hahaha seriously!!] I can also offer customized verses/poetry for your loved one!!!!

Any takers?

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