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Would YOU vote for an independent MP or Councillor?


Would you vote independant?  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you vote independant?

    • Yes
    • No

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anything would be better than the mess pinky and perky are making now
See that's an example of what I mean when I say people in general need to become more involved and politically aware. Your comment is meaningless. What mess? And who are pinky and perky?


You have to be a little more specific as to what exactly you would like to see done, in respect of whatever mess you refer to. And who by, presumably not two little pink pigs?

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... and if they weren't single issue campaigners?


... or if they had a single issue that really mattered to the local community?


... or if they were part of a coalition of independents?


Trying to be brief ...


1. If they weren't, they would have to be outstanding to get my vote. It's very hard for anyone outwith an established party to get anything done.


2. It depends, if they were standing for the local council, they're elected to serve the whole of the town or city not just their own ward, so it being important to the communuty is a moot point anyway.


3. If they were part of a coalition, they would no longer truly be an independent.


What local issues do you envisage councillors having to get involved in that aren't either at community level or dealt with by an effective executive? What extra does being in a party bring to the table that can't be dealt with by independents voting?


What would you envisage being different in the practical sense for citizens?

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The only agenda that really matters is jobs. Would an independent have enough clout to attract jobs to the region?

They have as much as any other individual councillor may have depending on their talent, networks and ability.


What do you think a non-independent councillor has to offer to an investor?

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What do you mean by "truly independent?"


Is someone believes that most Conservative policies are generally good ideas, but refuses to join the party as he isn't prepared to support them all without question - is he an independent? (ditto Lib-Dem or Labour...)



I would definitely support an independant candidate but there isn't one standing in my ward. However, I would be very sceptical about their true independance. Politicians are asking us to give them a job. When I employ someone I expect to see their CV and see what experience they bring to the job. All we get to go on is their vague promises of what they'll do in office. And we all know what those promises are worth.


Politicians are almost anonymous to the electorate. I want to see their CV. I want to know what organisations they belong to (trade unions, Common Purpose, Freemasons etc). The problem is we only find these things out after we have elected them and sometimes we never find out which pressure groups they sympathise with. I wouldn't be too happy to vote for an independant only to find out later he/she has already stood as a candidate for another party. Not very independant is it?


We have a long way to go to get real transparency in politics and until we do I'll stay at home on polling day.

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I would definitely support an independant candidate but there isn't one standing in my ward. However, I would be very sceptical about their true independance. Politicians are asking us to give them a job. When I employ someone I expect to see their CV and see what experience they bring to the job. All we get to go on is their vague promises of what they'll do in office. And we all know what those promises are worth.


Politicians are almost anonymous to the electorate. I want to see their CV. I want to know what organisations they belong to (trade unions, Common Purpose, Freemasons etc). The problem is we only find these things out after we have elected them and sometimes we never find out which pressure groups they sympathise with. I wouldn't be too happy to vote for an independant only to find out later he/she has already stood as a candidate for another party. Not very independant is it?


We have a long way to go to get real transparency in politics and until we do I'll stay at home on polling day.


I agree with all you say above, and wonder if we could go a big step further.


Imagine an Independent candidate who promises to vote based on what the majority of his electorate has asked him/her to do?


If for example, a candidate for MP had a website that enabled the following :-


For every voting debate in Parliament, the MP put on his website the debate / paper in full and then the pro's and cons of the debate.

His electorate could add to the pros and cons and vote accordingly.

The electorate could change their mind over the period if more information showed their initial vote wasnt the one they now wanted.

The electorate would be able to join in the online debate until d day and then the MP would have to vote based on what his/hers majority asked for.

The vote would show how many people voted and which way.


Thoughts please?

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I agree with all you say above, and wonder if we could go a big step further.


Imagine an Independent candidate who promises to vote based on what the majority of his electorate has asked him/her to do?


If for example, a candidate for MP had a website that enabled the following :-


For every voting debate in Parliament, the MP put on his website the debate / paper in full and then the pro's and cons of the debate.

His electorate could add to the pros and cons and vote accordingly.

The electorate could change their mind over the period if more information showed their initial vote wasnt the one they now wanted.

The electorate would be able to join in the online debate until d day and then the MP would have to vote based on what his/hers majority asked for.

The vote would show how many people voted and which way.


Thoughts please?


Sounds a bit like x factor and something that could be easily led by the local / national press. It has got me thinking though.


How about a list of all votes they took part in ? What committee they are on ? What debates they attend ? You look at parliament most of the time, there aren't alot of bums in seats. What are they doing ?


Again this is not restricted to independent mps.

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I agree with all you say above, and wonder if we could go a big step further.


Imagine an Independent candidate who promises to vote based on what the majority of his electorate has asked him/her to do?


If for example, a candidate for MP had a website that enabled the following :-


For every voting debate in Parliament, the MP put on his website the debate / paper in full and then the pro's and cons of the debate.

His electorate could add to the pros and cons and vote accordingly.

The electorate could change their mind over the period if more information showed their initial vote wasnt the one they now wanted.

The electorate would be able to join in the online debate until d day and then the MP would have to vote based on what his/hers majority asked for.

The vote would show how many people voted and which way.


Thoughts please?




The big parties have a huge advantage with their supporters, financial backers and incumbent politicians. It makes it almost impossible for an independant to break in unless they are loaded. I would put a stop to advertising, leaflets and canvassing. I would give each party an equal space on a single political website for each ward/constituency. On that website there would a generic format for each party to place its candidates details, its manifesto and other info. In that way no party or individual gets an advantage through finance or incumbency or anything else. There is also a permanent record of what each party has promised to do in case they backtrack.


I like the idea of the public telling MPs how to vote. It almost smacks of democracy. Democracy seems to be a good thing and we should try it. I think the practicalities of that are some way off yet. One big problem is that MPs get elected by such small numbers of people. In some cases less than 25% of the electorate vote for the winner. In those cases the other 75% would be telling the MP how to vote? I do think that every MP should be obliged to tell all his constituents what he has voted for and how often he has voted as some of those in safe seats never seem to do a stroke.


There is a website which I think is called They Work For You and I think they they keep a track of MPs voting but it would be better if they were forced to tell us what they have been doing.

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