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Why do some people see the world in black and white/simplistic terms?

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This happens with alot of things in my opinion this world is far too stereotypical its like anything like you say all students are lazy etc and thats mainly based on a small minority of students that generally are lazy.


Its the same if you was to buy a car one person out of five hundred has a bad expierence with a particular car and suddenly every car of that kind produced is a absolute failure sometimes its just easier for people to stereotype rather than have there own minds and think outside the box.

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I don't think they necessarily are, simply by the definition of pedophillia.


In other words, not all pedophiles physically act out their desires and abuse children.


That's why it's not cut and dry.


Wow, I'm not sure if I should even... :|... uh... I would say they are definitely wrong in the head.

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Wow, I'm not sure if I should even... :|... uh... I would say they are definitely wrong in the head.


Sexuality is a broad spectrum, little understood by psychologists.


If someone happens to have a sexual preference for children, that does not make them necessarily "wrong" in the head or evil in my opinion.


It is merely inconvenient that the people from which pedophiles would require consent to satisfy their sexual desires are below the legal age thereof.

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I don't think they necessarily are, simply by the definition of pedophillia.


In other words, not all pedophiles physically act out their desires and abuse children.


That's why it's not cut and dry.


They're evil and unnatural in my book. I reckon a lot of them "dont act out their desires" because they're scared stiff of the consequences if caught or found out.

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They're evil and unnatural in my book. I reckon a lot of them "dont act out their desires" because they're scared stiff of the consequences if caught or found out.


I also find "unnatural" a very problematic word to use. What may be unnatural to you and I will feel perfectly natural to someone else.


Not all pedophiles are predatorial, just as not all heterosexuals are with their sexual "targets". Of course, many pedophiles will understand and accept the laws in place to protect children. That is completely separate from the desires that exist in someone's mind.

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People arent really encouraged to think nowadays, they get told whats what and if they start to question things they get looked down on a bit, The simplest example of this is the people who are interested in ghosts and UFOs and stuff like that.


Just search back through this forum to see the reactions they get form people when they mention them or ask questions about them, people instantly and almost unthinkingly start poo-pooing anything said and its the same to a lesser degree with most subjects.

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Its nice and easy to simplify complex concepts- its hard work sometimes when you have to consider all the myriad of grey areas that lie beneath all ideas.


Good post jabs...lateral thinking is difficult when the blinkers are on...pity is some are born with them and raised by those with them...it's genetic...:hihi:

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Good post jabs...lateral thinking is difficult when the blinkers are on...pity is some are born with them and raised by those with them...it's genetic...:hihi:


Think how nice it must be though. They say that a lot of people are driven crackers by continually trying to work out every detail of something, it must be nice to have one set of morals, one set of Do`s and Donts and a definate image of good and bad to live by.

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