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Is Israel a rogue state?


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Could one of the pro-Palestinian apologists on here explain to me why the Palestinian and Arab media is so full of "Destroy Israel, kill the Jews" rhetoric - including Palestinian children being taught these vile spewings in school - and yet in the western media the Palestinians like to put themselves forward as "the poor down-trodden victims"? Don't try to deny that this stuff exists in vast quantities, you know full well it does.


Or is that just me refusing to believe the Palestinian propaganda that so many of the gullible in the West are happy to be sucked in by?


Do yourself a favour mapleboy, watch "To shoot an elephant"


It shows a European film crew that happen to be in Gaza at the time of the bombing.

There is very little commentary but just video being shot of what happened.


Just watch the video footage and you will see how downtrodden the Gazan people were.

Watch the video to see unarmed clearly marked ambulance crew being attacked and killed.

Watch the video to see the bombs fall despite no outgoing fire.

Watch the video to hear no Israeli warnings before the first bombs were dropped (The Israeli had previously claimed that warnings were given before they dropped bombs so that civilians could get to safety)

Watch the video to see the warehouse full of donated blankets and medical supplies up in blaze following a bomb attack with senior British aid manager looks on in disbelief and claims it a total disaster.


Watch the video as you see Gazan children previously filmed days earlier but now those same children are being brought in screaming in pain from their injuries after a bomb attack.

Watch the video to see the Gazan doctors desperately try to save a 4 year old girl but ultimately lose the fight.


No mapleboy, It's not prooganda,...... it really is happening.


As for the Palestinian children being taught to destroy the Israelis, well that's because most children will have witnessed family and friends killed in front of their own eyes.


Now don't get me wrong Hamas and Palestinian suicide bombers should also be condemned but don't be fooled by thinking that the Palestinians are just propagandarist, no they truly are suffering.



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Cmon, everyone and their mother has laid a claim to that region, whys one persons claim over something more legitimate than another's when they use their own religious beliefs to justify it ?


If I believed the sun was my god and he promised it to be my alone's god then would I have right to ask you not to seek any benefit from what was betrothed to me ?

Sums up the mentality so simply and so well hard2miss.
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Isreal is no more a democracy than apartheid south Africa was, so long as Zionists continue to occupy Palestinian land imprisoning Palestinians in Bantustans it will never be a democracy.


however often you repeat this garbage will never make it true. The West Bank and Gaza are not part of Israel, and as stated, unlike the Golan and east Jerusalem, and also Sinai, which was returned to Egypt in 1979, were not annexed by Israel following the Arabs defeat following their attempt to 'throw the Jews into the sea' in 1967.


Arabs, and there are now almost 1.5 million of them, 20% of the total, that remained in Israel following 1948 are full Israeli citizens with equal rights under the law, with the right to vote and stand for office - unlike blacks in apartheid South Africa.


Israel is entitled under UNSCR 242 to administer the territories until such time as a peace deal is reached. UNSCR 242 calls on all parties to the conflict to negotiate a solution and

anticipated that Israel will withdraw, like Israel withdrew from Sinai, to secure borders (not specified in the resolution) in exchange for peace guarantees from the Arab parties.

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Israeli PM Netanyahou's plan to make Jerusalem the new Israeli capital is an outrage.


it's been the center of the Jewish world, for 3,000 years. Before that, the capital of the Kingdom of Israel was Hebron, forty minutes in a car these days from the Damascus Gate.


by contrast, Jerusalem has never been the capital of any Arab political entity, unilke say Damascus or Cairo.

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After watching that film Kingmaker2 and only the truly inhuman would fail to be moved by the suffering inflicted.


Yes it's an etremely powerful film and everyone that watches it will be moved, unless they are blind and deaf, or have no heart.


Such a powerful film needs to be screened to those that hold the key to any peace i.e Obama, Clinton, even Netanyahu himself.


It's all too easy for people to dismiss Palestinian claims when they say they were acting innocently with no weapons and yet were stilled fired upon, just like in the last few days when 4 Palestinians were shot dead.

The Israeli claim the men were trying to stab them but the Palestinians say they were unarmed and simply going about their daily business.

Having watched the film "To Shoot An Elephant" you have to say that the IDF certainly do blatantly lie and that anything the Israeli say has to be treated with a fair bit of caution.

Now that is not to say that Palestinians never lied or have exaggerated their version of events, but let's not get the false impression that

Whatever the Israelis say is the truth, and whatever the Palestinian say is a complete lie, that simply isn't so.

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Israeli PM Netanyahou's plan to make Jerusalem the new Israeli capital is an outrage.


it's been the center of the Jewish world, for 3,000 years. Before that, the capital of the Kingdom of Israel was Hebron, forty minutes in a car these days from the Damascus Gate.


by contrast, Jerusalem has never been the capital of any Arab political entity, unilke say Damascus or Cairo.


But it can't and shouldn't work like that!


On that basis we'd be giving Britain back to the Norse from Scandinavia!


The Palestinians are suffering because of what happened in Europe, which to me, seems really unfair.

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The Palestinians are suffering because of what happened in Europe, which to me, seems really unfair.

The Palestinians are suffering because of people like Yasser Arfrafat who milked off $hundreds of millions to line their own pockets.

The Arab world has received more arms and money than the Israelis have ever had.

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