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Is Israel a rogue state?


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I think Israel should start thinking about the effect its action have on public opinion.

I can remember when I was very much pro Israel (the holocaust and a little country surrounded by bigger aggressive countries) and anti Arab (bigger countries who kept trying to invade, then the PLO started blowing up our airliners).

Now, if anything, I`m pro Palestinian and becoming anti Israeli.

Give the Palestinians some land so they can have a bleedin` country as well.


There is an argument that the World let Israel have that land because of the Holocaust, but they took it off the Arabs who didn`t have anything to do with it !

How fair is that !

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I notice you avoided to answer this Harvest:


If the you get sick or have an accident in the UK you can go straight to your A & E department, In the occupied territories the roads are blocked by Israeli check points denying easy access to hospitals.


Now how does that sit with you Harvest?

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No, not like that, because the Geneva Convention is about the rules when at war, it doesn't specify who you can go to war with


Thankyou (though I doubt the poster will understand).:thumbsup:

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You mean like invading Kuwait.


Saddam's Iraq illegally invaded Kuwait.


Begin's Israel illegally bombed Iraq's nuclear facility at Osirak in 1981, killing a French researcher and 10 Iraqis.

The nuclear facility was shown not to have any weapons capability whatsoever.


And talking about Menachem Begin, how do square the fact that Begin was responsible for the bombing of the King David Hotel killing 91 people and injuring 46 people of various nationalities including 28 British deaths.


Begin was a terrorist who took 91 lives and yet Israel STILL elected him as their PM.


Tell me Harvest is it right that a known killer be elected to high office?


Imagine If Cameron was found to be involved with any fatal bombings in the UK.....would you vote to elect such a person?

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There is an argument that the World let Israel have that land because of the Holocaust.


yes, we know all about that. Unfortunately, the 'argument' doesn't face up to the slightest scrutiny. The belief that 'the World' somehow 'presented' Israel with their own state as some sort of 'consolation prize' for the genocide in Europe is just ludicrous. After all, Israel won their independence by force of arms after repelling a multi-pronged Arab invasion, and furthermore it was a war in which hardly any foreign support was forthcoming.


further, the British Mandate of Palestine was set up in 1918 with the express purpose of establishing a Jewish state in the region. While without doubt the Holocaust did lead to foreign nations and individuals being more sympathetic to Israel than they otherwise might have been, and also gave added impetus and motivation to Jews when it came to the imperative of re-establishing their own state, there's no reason to suppose that Israel would not have become an independent state in some way had the Holocaust not happened.

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Begin's Israel illegally bombed Iraq's nuclear facility at Osirak in 1981, killing a French researcher and 10 Iraqis. The nuclear facility was shown not to have any weapons capability whatsoever.


read up on this chronology of Iraq's nuclear weapons program:



Osirak was a military facility. Which is why the Iranians, with whom Iraq was at war with at the time, tried, but failed, to destroy it themselves a few months previously.


Israel did manage to pull off the job the Iranians could not, and believe or not, Iranians that aren't brainwashed, know about it, and remember it, are thankful to the Israelis to this day for helping them out. Though the Israelis didn't realise it at the time - they thought the mission had only put back Iraq's nuclear weapons program by about five years - in the event, it put it back permanently and helped to make the Middle East a safer place.

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talking about Menachem Begin, how do square the fact that Begin was responsible for the bombing of the King David Hotel.


being the British military headquarters, it was military target and not a civilian one. It's not like bombing a crowded bus, disco, or pizza parlour, full of innocent civilians, women, and children. Warnings, the British failed to respond to, were issued specifically to minimise loss of life, even loss of life of British soldiers. The aim was to destroy the building and the files it contained, not to kill a large number of people.

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