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Is Israel a rogue state?


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Nobody has anyting to fear from Israel unless they're stupid enough to try it on.
I beg to differ, If taking your land, putting up check points, withholding vital resources, phosphorus bombing kids, having your emergence services shot at isnt going to cause fear then you must be one strong people.


Of cause tho, they are not, they are just humans who suffer.


Fear is probably an everyday feeling from the moment you wake up to going to bed.

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Israel's Arab citizens number 1.3 million, 20% of the population, with equal rights under the law to every other Israeli. I assure you that none of them live in concentration camps, but do in fact enjoy a higher level of political freedom than Arabs anywhere else in the Middle East.

The difference is being one thing under the law and another in reality but you already know that since you seem to have been selective to preface every such statement with 'under the law'.


Are they Arabs or are they Israelis first, who decides?


spokesperson? The man was a murderer who had posed in pictures with Israelis he had murdered and was engaged in acts supposed to bring about the destruction of Israel and the Jews, in accordance with the Hamas charter.

Should the Israeli premier be subject to same treatment in order to com[ply with goose gander analogy?


Freedom of religion in Israel is at the highest level it's ever been.

Bull!!! Every Jew is an Israeli citizen at birth yet those who are of the land are discriminated against as third class citizens in their own land. The discrimination is based on religion with Jews being given all the rights without ever setting foot in Israel, now, how do you explain that?


not 15% of Palestinians living in Palestinian territories. Most Palestinians in the United States for example, are Christians. In the territories, it's more like 5%. Christians have fled Palestine, partly because of the emergence of Islamist movements like Hamas, that unlike Israel, definitely do discriminate against Christians, or any non Sunni Muslims. Worldwide, Christians make up 30% of Palestinians.


Bethlehem, was 90% Arab Christian in 1948. Now it's less than 20% and falling.

Correction callipo, they have fled not partly but wholly due to the Israeli occupation of the land of Palestine. Your excuses are lame justifications to support oppression of an innocent people, you ought to be ashamed of yourself for the pathetic comparisons you make. There would be no Islamist movement fighting for the right of it's people to exist had it not been for the ethnic cleansing policy of the Zionsts. The root of evil is the Zionist state.
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There are extremists in every walk of life but moreso amongst muslims who are hell bent on destroying Israel (GCP) and anyone else who says boo to them.
You haven't watched the video have you, otherwise you wouldn't have made such a statement. The video is about a Jewish academic standing up to his fellow Jews in calling for fairness for the Palestinians. There is nothing in the video about who has more extremists, so your quoting my post and answering it without watching the link I refer to is cheap talk indeed for the sake of being argumentative.


The video is a must watch to see how people of substance challenge the idiots amongst their own ranks regardless of religion. Yet we have those band wagon jumpers who latch onto anything anti Muslim for their own cheap thrills, such as you under whichever username you happen to go by on SF.

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And the moon is made of green cheese with the world full of human dustbins who'll take anything in.
Yes indeed and here is the proof


The palestinians are not short of anything in reality it is just that their leaders priorities are elsewhere.

Palestinian and other muslims take more lives everyday than the miniscule 90 that you are carping about, the difference is I don't condone that either but I can understand Begins frustration sfter what the jews had recently suffered.

Indeed, suffered at the hands of the Christian Germans, yet you suppose they wanted revenge from the Palestinians and doing so till this day, why? :huh:


Palestinians are not short of anything? How about freedom?


Proves the point very well that 'the world full of human dustbins who'll take anything in'

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You haven't watched the video have you, otherwise you wouldn't have made such a statement.


I doubt Harvest will watch any video that may show contrary evidence to his/her views.


The Spanish inquisition or those that condemned Galileo as a heretic also had a similar attitude.:mad:

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And at the expence of the British taxpayer to no doubt, maybe you would have prefered it if they were in German 'Concetration Camps' ?Talk about un grateful.
Now you're being silly, where did I say that.

They should never have been prevented from reaching their homeland.

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Yes indeed and here is the proof Indeed, suffered at the hands of the Christian Germans,
So it's ok for them to suffer from muslim arabs who constantly fire rockets at their women, children and elderly in the name of allah.

Amazing they can get rockets and munitions but no food and medical aid I bet you really do beleive that the moon is made of green cheese, dustbin comes to mind.:loopy:

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I doubt Harvest will watch any video that may show contrary evidence to his/her views.


The Spanish inquisition or those that condemned Galileo as a heretic also had a similar attitude.:mad:

If I wanted to waste time on made up comedy videos I'd watch 'Scoobydoo'. Once again dustbin comes to mind.
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I beg to differ, If taking your land, putting up check points, withholding vital resources, phosphorus bombing kids, having your emergence services shot at isnt going to cause fear then you must be one strong people.


Of cause tho, they are not, they are just humans who suffer.


Fear is probably an everyday feeling from the moment you wake up to going to bed.

What about the rockets that broke the ceasfire? oh I foregot if muslims do it that's ok along their national sport of suicide bombings.
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